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Filing Process GuidanceCancellation of Website/APP

Website/App Cancellation


If your website has been successfully filed with UCloud Global, and you now want to cancel the website/app’s record under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, you should proceed with the cancellation of the website/app.


To cancel the information of a website/app filed in UCloud Global, as well as the website information in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the main body information and other undated website/app information will still be preserved.


  • Jiangsu Province does not support online submission of website/app cancellation applications. If you need to cancel a website/app, you need to send an email with the cancellation application form to the Jiangsu Communications Administration (Cancellation Application Form Download). Cancellation in Jiangsu only supports cancellation of the main body and cancellation of access.
  • If there are multiple domains for the same website/app, if you want to cancel one of them, please follow the procedure for record change.
  • If there are orders in process under this entity, you must wait for the process to end before you can submit for cancellation.
  • If there is a top-level domain name not approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology under this website, this domain name cannot be re-recorded after a successful cancellation.
  • If the website/app has a record entry at other operators, it will also be cancelled.
  • After the cancellation is successful, all domain names under this website/app will be blocked as unrecorded domain names.
  • If this entity only has a single website/app, if the website/app gets cancelled, the entity will become an empty shell entity.
  • Once confirmed and submitted, the order cannot be withdrawn, so be careful! If you have any questions, please contact your account manager or technical support.

Operation Steps

  1. Please log in to the UCloud Global filing system and enter the filing management page.

  2. Click on the completed list to find the main body information corresponding to the website.

  3. Click the View button

  4. Click the switch on the top of the page to change the entity information and website information to the website information page, and select the “Cancel Website” button at the corresponding website information.

  5. Check the website information, select the cancellation reason, and then click the “Submit” button.

  6. Wait for the bureau’s review, which typically takes 3 - 5 working days. Pay attention to the order status of my filing progress.

  7. If the order status is that the bureau’s review is not passed, please delete the order and reapply for cancellation after checking the reason for the return. If you have any questions, please contact technical personnel or sales.