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Obtain NAT Gateway Information - DescribeNATGW


Obtain NAT Gateway Information


Public Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ActionstringCorresponding API command name, the current API is DescribeNATGW.Yes
PublicKeystringThe user’s public key can be obtained from ConsoleYes
SignaturestringUser signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature AlgorithmYes

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RegionstringRegion. See List of Regions and Availability ZonesYes
ProjectIdstringProject Id. If not filled in, the default project is used. Sub-accounts must fill in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface.No
NATGWIds.NstringNAT Gateway Id. Defaults to all NAT Gateways under this project.No
OffsetintData offset. Default is 0No
LimitintData pagination value. Default is 20No

Response Field

Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RetCodeintReturn status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure.Yes
ActionstringOperation command name.Yes
MessagestringReturns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero.No
TotalCountintTotal number of instances that meet the conditionsYes
DataSetarray[NatGatewayDataSet]Retrieved NATGW Information ListNo

Data Model


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
NATGWIdstringnatgw idYes
NATGWNamestringnatgw nameYes
TagstringBusiness GroupYes
CreateTimeintnatgw creation timeYes
FirewallIdstringBound Firewall IdYes
VPCIdstringBelonging VPC IdYes
SubnetSetarray[NatGatewaySubnetSet]Subnet IdYes
IPSetarray[NatGatewayIPSet]Bound EIP InformationYes
VPCNamestringVPC NameYes
IsSnatpoolEnabledstringEnumeration value, “enable”, the default export rule uses load balancing; “disable”, the default export rule does not use load balancing.Yes
PolicyIdarray[string]Forwarding Strategy IdYes


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
SubnetworkIdstringSubnet IDYes
SubnetstringSubnet SegmentYes
SubnetNamestringSubnet NameYes


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
EIPIdstringEIPId of Public IPYes
WeightintThe one with a weight of 100 is the exit.Yes
BandwidthTypestringEIP Bandwidth TypeYes
IPResInfoarray[NatGWIPResInfo]Public IP InformationYes


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
OperatorNamestringISP Information of the IPYes


Request Example &Region=xxx &ProjectId=xxx &NATGWIds.0=urIvqFth &Offset=2 &Limit=8

Response Example

{ "Action": "DescribeNATGWResponse", "DataSet": [ { "CreateTime": 1541056378, "FirewallId": "firewall-fadbay", "IPSet": [ { "Bandwidth": 1, "BandwidthType": "Bandwidth", "EIPId": "eip-kti5zt", "EIPUUID": "eip-kti5zt", "IPResInfo": [ { "EIP": "", "OperatorName": "Bgp" } ], "Weight": 50 } ], "NATGWId": "natgw-ay4tpe", "NATGWName": "nat-spider-test", "PolicyId": [], "Remark": "", "SubnetSet": [ { "Subnet": "", "SubnetName": "subnet-spider-test", "SubnetworkId": "subnet-kfi5wu", "SubnetworkUUID": "subnet-kfi5wu" } ], "Tag": "Default", "VPCId": "uvnet-4au5pv", "VPCName": "vpc-spider-test" }, { "CreateTime": 1508817896, "FirewallId": "firewall-fadbay", "IPSet": [ { "Bandwidth": 2, "BandwidthType": "Bandwidth", "EIPId": "eip-zqnjjh", "EIPUUID": "eip-zqnjjh", "IPResInfo": [ { "EIP": "", "OperatorName": "Bgp" } ], "Weight": 50 } ], "NATGWId": "natgw-d0ubto", "NATGWName": "xxxxxx", "PolicyId": [], "Remark": "", "SubnetSet": [ { "Subnet": "", "SubnetName": "subnet-quyang", "SubnetworkId": "subnet-t1lhkw", "SubnetworkUUID": "subnet-t1lhkw" } ], "Tag": "xxxx", "VPCId": "uvnet-cvkbyg", "VPCName": "DefaultVPC" }, { "CreateTime": 1542097658, "FirewallId": "firewall-itqvoh", "IPSet": [ { "Bandwidth": 1, "BandwidthType": "Bandwidth", "EIPId": "eip-1ir5ot", "EIPUUID": "eip-1ir5ot", "IPResInfo": [ { "EIP": "", "OperatorName": "Bgp" } ], "Weight": 50 } ], "NATGWId": "natgw-frwr22", "NATGWName": "natgw容灾测试", "PolicyId": [], "Remark": "", "SubnetSet": [ { "Subnet": "", "SubnetName": "容灾测试11", "SubnetworkId": "subnet-jrqoqo", "SubnetworkUUID": "subnet-jrqoqo" } ], "Tag": "Default", "VPCId": "uvnet-2b15h0", "VPCName": "容灾测试11" }, { "CreateTime": 1541043690, "FirewallId": "firewall-fadbay", "IPSet": [ { "Bandwidth": 2, "BandwidthType": "Bandwidth", "EIPId": "eip-z1pnbo", "EIPUUID": "eip-z1pnbo", "IPResInfo": [ { "EIP": "", "OperatorName": "Bgp" } ], "Weight": 50 } ], "NATGWId": "natgw-m1zj4z", "NATGWName": "abtesst_uxr_natgw_128", "PolicyId": [], "Remark": "", "SubnetSet": [ { "Subnet": "", "SubnetName": "abtest_uxr_subnet_128_1", "SubnetworkId": "subnet-ehkpnt", "SubnetworkUUID": "subnet-ehkpnt" }, { "Subnet": "", "SubnetName": "abtest_uxr_subnet_128_2", "SubnetworkId": "subnet-gttjg5", "SubnetworkUUID": "subnet-gttjg5" } ], "Tag": "Default", "VPCId": "uvnet-wmrnvj", "VPCName": "abtest_for_uxr" }, { "CreateTime": 1541043825, "FirewallId": "firewall-fadbay", "IPSet": [ { "Bandwidth": 2, "BandwidthType": "Bandwidth", "EIPId": "eip-nzkt14", "EIPUUID": "eip-nzkt14", "IPResInfo": [ { "EIP": "", "OperatorName": "Bgp" } ], "Weight": 50 } ], "NATGWId": "natgw-0byxyr", "NATGWName": "abtest_uxr_natgw_129", "PolicyId": [], "Remark": "", "SubnetSet": [ { "Subnet": "", "SubnetName": "abtest_uxr_subnet_129", "SubnetworkId": "subnet-c4vxvi", "SubnetworkUUID": "subnet-c4vxvi" } ], "Tag": "Default", "VPCId": "uvnet-ebh53o", "VPCName": "abtest_for_uxr_2" } ], "RetCode": 0, "TotalCount": 5 }