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#Field specifications

Resource Name

1-63 characters, supports Chinese, English, numbers and - _.

Resource Notes

0-255 characters, supports Chinese, English, numbers and any characters

Business Group

1-63 characters, supports Chinese, English, numbers and - _.


common enquiries:

  • Support 8-30 characters
  • Cannot contain [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9] and [()`~!@#$%^&*-+=_|{}[]:;’<>,.?/] Illegal characters outside

Linux special requirements:

  • Need to contain two or more items at the same time: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, symbols

Windows special requirements:

  • Need to contain three or more items at the same time: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, symbols
  • Cannot contain the part of the user name (adminstrator) that exceeds 2 consecutive characters, such as adm/min, etc.