Describe Application Load Balancer Instance - DescribeLoadBalancers
Describe the application load balancing instances under specific conditions or all application load balancing instances.
Public Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Action | string | Corresponding API command name, the current API is DescribeLoadBalancers . | Yes |
PublicKey | string | The user’s public key can be obtained from Console | Yes |
Signature | string | User signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature Algorithm | Yes |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Region | string | Region. See List of Regions and Availability Zones | Yes |
ProjectId | string | Project ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, sub-accounts must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface . | Yes |
Type | string | The type of load balancing instance. Limited enumeration values: “Application” / “Network”, default value: “Application”. | No |
ShowDetail | boolean | Whether to get detailed information of the listener and backend service node. Default value: false | No |
LoadBalancerIds.N | string | The ID of the load balancing instance. It must be the same type of instance. If the instance ID is specified, all other filter conditions except Type will be ignored. | No |
VPCId | string | Specify the VPC location | No |
SubnetId | string | Specify the subnet | No |
Offset | string | Data offset, default is 0 | No |
Limit | string | Data pagination value, default is 100 | No |
Response Field
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
RetCode | int | Return status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure. | Yes |
Action | string | Operation command name. | Yes |
Message | string | Returns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero. | No |
TotalCount | int | Total number of load balancing instances that meet the conditions | Yes |
LoadBalancers | array[LoadBalancer] | Load Balancing Instance Information | Yes |
Data Model
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
VPCId | string | The Resource ID of the VPC to which the Load Balancer instance belongs | No |
SubnetId | string | The resource ID of the subnet to which the load balancing instance belongs. The internal VIP of the load balancing instance and the source IP of the SNAT scenario are limited to this subnet; specifying the subnet does not affect the scope when adding backend service nodes, which is still the resources supported under the entire VPC. | No |
LoadBalancerId | string | ID of the Load Balancing Instance | No |
Type | string | Type of load balancing instance. Limited enumeration values: Application -> Application type, Network -> Network type | No |
Name | string | Name of the Load Balancing Instance | No |
Tag | string | The Business Group ID to which the Load Balancer instance belongs | No |
Remark | string | Remarks information of the load balancing instance | No |
IPVersion | string | Supported IP protocol version for Load Balancer instance | No |
IPInfos | array[IPInfo] | Bound IP information. See IPInfo for specific structure. | No |
SnatIPs | array[string] | The proxy IP of the application instance or the IP used by snat in the network FULLNAT mode | No |
Firewall | FirewallSet | Firewall Information | No |
AccessLogConfig | AccessLogConfigSet | (Application-specific) Access log related configuration | No |
ChargeType | string | Payment Mode | No |
PurchaseValue | int | Expiration date (billing). Format is Unix Timestamp | No |
CreateTime | int | Load balancing instance creation time. The format is Unix Timestamp. | No |
Listeners | array[Listener] | Listener Information. It is empty when ShowDetail is false. | No |
Status | string | lb status: Normal-Normal; Arrears-Service stopped due to overdue payment | No |
AutoRenewEnabled | boolean | Is auto-renewal enabled? | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
IP | string | IP Address | No |
Id | string | Unique Identifier ID | No |
IPVersion | string | IP Protocol Version | No |
OperatorName | string | ISP information for the public IP. Enumeration values are: Telecom -> Telecom, Unicom -> Unicom, International -> International IP, Bgp -> BGP, Duplet -> Duplet (Telecom + Unicom dual lines), BGPPro -> Premium BGP, China-mobile -> China Mobile, Anycast -> AnycastEIP. | No |
BandwidthType | int | Bandwidth Type. Limited enumeration values: 1 -> Shared Bandwidth, 0 -> Normal Bandwidth Type | No |
Bandwidth | int | Bandwidth value. Unit M | No |
AddressType | string | Network mode. Limited enumeration values: Internet -> Internet, Intranet -> Intranet | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
FirewallName | string | Firewall Name | No |
FirewallId | string | Firewall ID | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Enabled | boolean | (Application-specific) Is the access log recording function enabled? | No |
US3BucketName | string | (Application-specific) Bucket for storing access logs | No |
US3TokenId | string | (Application-specific) Token required to upload access logs to the bucket | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
ListenerId | string | Listener’s ID | No |
Name | string | Name of the Listener | No |
Remark | string | Remarks on the Listener | No |
ListenerPort | int | Listener’s Listening Port | No |
ListenerProtocol | string | Monitoring Protocol. Application-specific limited values: HTTP, HTTPS. | No |
Certificates | array[Certificate] | (Application-specific) Default server certificate ID. Only HTTPS listening is supported. For specific interface details, see Certificate. | No |
SecurityPolicyId | string | (Application-specific) Security policy group ID. Only HTTPS listening supports binding; Default -> Native policy | No |
IdleTimeout | int | Connection idle timeout. Unit: seconds. | No |
Scheduler | string | Load Balancing Algorithm. Application-specific limited values: Roundrobin -> Round Robin; Source -> Source Address; WeightRoundrobin -> Weighted Round Robin; Leastconn -> Least Connections; Backup -> Master-Slave Mode | No |
StickinessConfig | StickinessConfigSet | Configuration related to session persistence. For detailed structure, see StickinessConfigSet. | No |
HealthCheckConfig | HealthCheckConfigSet | Configuration related to Health Check. For specific structure, see HealthCheckConfigSet. | No |
CompressionEnabled | boolean | (Application-specific) Whether to enable data compression function. Currently, only gzip is supported to compress specific file types. | No |
HTTP2Enabled | boolean | (Application-specific) Whether to enable the HTTP/2 feature. Only HTTPS listening supports enabling. | No |
RedirectEnabled | boolean | (Application-specific) Whether to enable HTTP redirection to HTTPS. Only HTTP listening supports enabling. | No |
RedirectPort | int | (Application-specific) Redirect Port | No |
Targets | array[Target] | Information of the added service node. See Target for specific structure. | No |
Rules | array[Rule] | (Application-specific) Forwarding Rule Information | No |
State | string | Listener health status. Limited enumeration values: Healthy -> Healthy, Unhealthy -> Unhealthy, PartialHealth -> Partially Healthy, None -> No node status. | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
SSLId | string | Certificate ID | No |
IsDefault | boolean | Is it the default certificate? | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Enabled | boolean | Whether to enable the session persistence feature. The application load balancing instance is implemented based on Cookie. | No |
Type | string | (Application-specific) Cookie processing method. Limited enumeration values: ServerInsert -> Automatically generate KEY; UserDefined -> User-defined KEY. | No |
CookieName | string | (Application-specific) Custom Cookie. Effective when the StickinessType value is “UserDefined”.""" | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Enabled | boolean | Whether to enable the health check function. Temporarily does not support closing. The default value is: true | No |
Type | string | Health check method. Application type limited values: Port -> Port check; HTTP -> HTTP check; Default value: Port | No |
Domain | string | (Application-specific) HTTP check domain. This field is meaningful when Type is HTTP, representing the HTTP check domain. | No |
Path | string | (Application-specific) HTTP check path. This field is meaningful when the Type is HTTP, representing the HTTP check path. | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
ResourceType | string | The type of service node. Limited enumeration values: UHost -> Cloud Host, UNI -> Virtual Network Interface, UPM -> Physical Cloud Host, IP -> IP type; Default value: “UHost”; For non-IP types, if the resource has multiple IPs, only the main IP can be added; For non-IP types, related resource information will be displayed during the display, and only IP information will be displayed for IP types. When the related resource is deleted, the non-IP type will remove the related resource from lb, and the IP type does not guarantee this logic. | No |
ResourceId | string | Resource ID of the service node | No |
ResourceName | string | Resource Name of Service Node | No |
VPCId | string | Service node’s VPC resource ID | No |
SubnetId | string | Subnet resource ID of the service node | No |
ResourceIP | string | IP of the service node | No |
Port | int | Port of the service node | No |
Weight | int | Weight of the service node. Only effective when the weighted round-robin algorithm is used. | No |
Enabled | boolean | Is the service node enabled? | No |
IsBackup | boolean | Is the service node a backup node? | No |
Id | string | The identification ID of the service node. Used in ALB/NLB, unrelated to the resource’s own ID, can be used for UpdateTargetsAttribute/RemoveTargets. | No |
State | string | Health check status of the service node. Limited enumeration values: Healthy -> Healthy, Unhealthy -> Unhealthy | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
RuleId | string | ID of the forwarding rule | No |
RuleConditions | array[RuleCondition] | Forwarding rule matching conditions. See RuleCondition for specific structure. | No |
RuleActions | array[RuleAction] | Forwarding action. For specific rules, see RuleAction. | No |
IsDefault | boolean | Is it the default forwarding rule? | No |
Pass | boolean | When the service node for forwarding is empty, should the rule be ignored? | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Type | string | Match condition type. Limited enumeration values: Host, Path | Yes |
HostConfig | HostConfigSet | Domain-related configuration. Required when Type is Host. See HostConfigSet for specific structure. | No |
PathConfig | PathConfigSet | Configuration related to the path. Required when Type is Path. For detailed structure, see PathConfigSet. | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Type | string | Action Type. Limited enumeration value: Forward | Yes |
ForwardConfig | ForwardConfigSet | Forward service node related configuration. See ForwardConfigSet for specific structure. | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Targets | array[ForwardTargetSet] | The backend service nodes to be forwarded. It is limited to the service node pool of the listener; the array length can be 0. See ForwardTargetSet for detailed structure. | Yes |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Id | string | Identification ID of the service node | Yes |
Weight | int | Weight. Only valid when the load balancing algorithm of the listener is weighted round robin; Value range [1-100], default value is 1. | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Values | array[string] | Value. Currently only supports an array length of 1; The value must meet the conditions of the relevant matching method. | Yes |
MatchMode | string | Matching method. Limited enumeration values: Regular-Regular, Wildcard-Wildcard domain; Default value: Regular. | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Values | array[string] | Value. Currently only supports an array length of 1; The value must meet the conditions of the relevant matching method. | Yes |
Request Example
Response Example
"Action": "DescribeLoadBalancersResponse",
"LoadBalancers": [
"AccessLogConfig": {},
"AutoRenewEnabled": false,
"ChargeType": "Year",
"CreateTime": 6,
"Firewall": {},
"IPInfos": [
"AddressType": "jlYUlHmb",
"Bandwidth": 5,
"BandwidthType": 3,
"IP": "sYqnEKjJ",
"IPVersion": "LDatfpFC",
"Id": "jSOsaGMM",
"OperatorName": "ahbfYzEp"
"IPVersion": "JXcGJbre",
"Listeners": [
"Certificates": [
"IsDefault": true,
"SSLId": "nrbmESZz"
"CompressionEnabled": false,
"HTTP2Enabled": true,
"HealthCheckConfig": [
"Domain": "mZUYcJEA",
"Enabled": true,
"Path": "buktmDFo",
"Type": "nQpafhEu"
"IdleTimeout": 2,
"ListenerId": "FAJsODnt",
"ListenerPort": "OMuuyqzK",
"ListenerProtocol": "dJaCaOUB",
"Name": "nzIUoMAB",
"RedirectEnabled": true,
"RedirectPort": 5,
"Remark": "uDpZOaVd",
"Rules": [
"IsDefault": false,
"Pass": false,
"RuleActions": [
"ForwardConfig": {},
"Type": "lyzbagkX"
"RuleConditions": [
"HostConfig": {},
"PathConfig": {},
"Type": "cn-zj"
"RuleId": "nbeKETIq"
"Scheduler": "clvMmLsq",
"SecurityPolicyId": "BntdiFQb",
"State": "dBLCxkUb",
"StickinessConfig": [
"CookieName": "QqYEDqqN",
"Enabled": true,
"Type": "DHUPMaKq"
"Targets": [
"Enabled": true,
"IsBackup": false,
"Port": 5,
"ResourceIP": "zwcZamJW",
"ResourceId": "EdeVFIPM",
"ResourceName": "fEkEJghF",
"ResourceType": "pLBCKTlW",
"State": "xJfoZnuJ",
"SubnetId": "mdWyqxkv",
"VPCId": "QhoMgzqN",
"Weight": 3
"LoadBalancerId": "CXzNTkEm",
"Name": "KqNCwTFr",
"PurchaseValue": 1,
"Remark": "CpqfGzsA",
"SnatIPs": [
"Status": "aTjJABaa",
"SubnetId": "QxYdgOxo",
"Tag": "SOslauUt",
"Type": "bLJfPWGP",
"VPCId": "UsaZfFXq"
"RetCode": 0,
"TotalCount": 1