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Global Dynamic Acceleration(PathX)CreateGlobalSSHInstance

Create GlobalSSH Instance - CreateGlobalSSHInstance


Create GlobalSSH Instance

ℹ️ There is a quota limit for the entry-level GlobalSSH instances under a single project.


Public Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ActionstringCorresponding API command name, the current API is CreateGlobalSSHInstance.Yes
PublicKeystringThe user’s public key can be obtained from ConsoleYes
SignaturestringUser signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature AlgorithmYes

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ProjectIdstringProject ID, such as org-xxxx. Please refer to GetProjectList interfaceYes
AreastringEnter the name of the region that supports SSH access, such as “Los Angeles”, “Singapore”, “Hong Kong”, “Tokyo”, “Washington”, “Frankfurt”, “Seoul”. Either Area or AreaCode must be filled in.Yes
TargetIPstringThe origin IP accessed by SSH, only supports IPv4 address.Yes
PortintThe SSH port that the source server listens to, can be in the range [1-65535], cannot use ports 80, 443, 65123. If InstanceType=Free, the range narrows to [22,3389], choose 22 for Linux systems, and Windows systems automatically select 3389.Yes
AreaCodestringAreaCode, the universal international code for regional airports. Either Area or AreaCode must be filled in.Yes
RemarkstringNote InformationNo
ChargeTypestringPayment methods, such as Monthly: Month, Yearly: Year, Hourly: DynamicNo
QuantityintPurchase Quantity
For purchases until the end of the month, please pass 0
InstanceTypestringEnumeration values: [“Ultimate”,“Enterprise”,“Basic”,“Primary”], representing Flagship Edition, Enterprise Edition, Basic Edition, and Starter Edition respectively.No
BandwidthPackageintBandwidth package size for the Ultimate version, enumeration values: [0,20,40]. Unit MBNo
ForwardRegionstringWhen InstanceType equals to Basic, you can choose one from [“cn-bj2”,“cn-sh2”,“cn-gd”] as the forwarding data center, other paid versions are configured with three default forwarding data centers.No
CouponIdstringUsing vouchers can offset part of the cost.No

Response Field

Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RetCodeintReturn status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure.Yes
ActionstringOperation command name.Yes
MessagestringReturns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero.No
InstanceIdstringInstance ID, Unique Resource IdentifierYes
AcceleratingDomainstringAccelerated domain name, accessing this domain name allows for nearby access.No


Request Example &ProjectId=org-xxxx &Remark=备注 &Area=洛杉矶 &TargetIP= &Port=22 &CouponId=coupon-123 &ChargeType=Year &Quantity=1 &AreaCode=LAX &InstanceType=Basic &BandwidthPackage=5 &ForwardRegion=UKclgoRu

Response Example

{ "AcceleratingDomain": "", "Action": "CreateGlobalSSHInstanceResponse", "InstanceId": "uga-xxxx", "Message": "", "RetCode": 0 }