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SSL Certificate Management(USSL)GetAlarmCertificateList

Query Certificate Alert List - GetAlarmCertificateList


Query Certificate Alert List


Public Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ActionstringCorresponding API command name, the current API is GetAlarmCertificateList.Yes
PublicKeystringThe user’s public key can be obtained from Console Yes
SignaturestringUser signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature AlgorithmYes

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ProjectIdstringProject ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, sub-accounts must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface .Yes
AlarmTypeintAlarm type, if not filled in, the default is to query all, 1: Joined alarm, 0: Not joined alarm
The default fill is 1
Sortstring1-Ascending, 2-DescendingNo

Response Field

Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RetCodeintReturn status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure.Yes
ActionstringOperation command name.Yes
MessagestringReturns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero.No
TotalCountintTotal RecordsNo
CertificateListarray[CertificateList]Return the list of certificate records that meet the conditionsNo

Data Model


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
CertificateIDintCertificate IdYes
CertificateSNstringCertificate Resource IDYes
CertificateCatstringCertificate ClassificationYes
ModestringCertificate TypeYes
DomainsstringCertificate Binding Domain NameYes
BrandstringCertificate’s Brand OwnerYes
ValidityPeriodintDomain Validity PeriodYes
TypestringCertificate Authority InformationYes
NotBeforeintIssue Date (Millisecond Timestamp)Yes
NotAfterintExpiration Date (Millisecond Timestamp)Yes
AlarmStateintExpiration AlertYes
StateCodestringCertificate Status CodeYes
StatestringCertificate Status DescriptionYes
NamestringCertificate Name in EnglishYes
MaxDomainsCountintMaximum Domain NumberYes
DomainsCountintCurrent Domain QuantityYes
CaChannelstringThird-party Certificate AuthorityYes
CSRAlgorithmsarray[CSRAlgorithmInfo]Optional encryption information for CSRYes
TopOrganizationIDintCompany IDYes
OrganizationIDintProject IDYes
IsFreeintIs it free?Yes
YearOfValidityintAdd Year Number of Multi-Year TermYes
ChannelintChannel InformationYes
CreateTimeintCreation TimeYes
CertificateUrlstringURL for certificate downloadYes


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired

Supports RSA, ECDSA, SM2 three values.
AlgorithmOptionarray[string]The length of the algorithm key.
1. RSA supports 2048,3072,4096
2. ECDSA supports p256,p384,p512
3. SM2 supports p256


Request Example &Region=cn-zj &Zone=cn-zj-01 &ProjectId=CYpfcAIF &AlarmType=1

Response Example

{ "Action": "GetAlarmCertificateListResponse", "CertificateList": [ { "AlarmState": 1, "Brand": "TrustAsia", "CSRAlgorithms": [ { "Algorithm": "RSA", "AlgorithmOption": [ "2048" ] } ], "CaChannel": "TrustAsia", "CertificateCat": "DV", "CertificateID": 1, "CertificateSN": "usecure_ussl-2", "CertificateUrl": "", "Channel": 1, "CreateTime": 1671421768, "Domains": "", "DomainsCount": 1, "ID": 1, "IsFree": 1, "MaxDomainsCount": 1, "Mode": "free", "Name": "TrustAsiaDVG5", "NotAfter": 1706745599000, "NotBefore": 1675123200000, "OrganizationID": 2, "State": "待续费", "StateCode": "WF_RENEW", "TopOrganizationID": 2, "Type": "TrustAsia-DV(1年)", "ValidityPeriod": 1, "YearOfValidity": 1 }, { "AlarmState": 1, "Brand": "TrustAsia Technologies, Inc.", "CSRAlgorithms": null, "CaChannel": "", "CertificateCat": "", "CertificateID": 2, "CertificateSN": "usecure_ussl-3", "CertificateUrl": "", "Channel": 1, "CreateTime": 1658473462, "Domains": "", "DomainsCount": 1, "ID": 2, "IsFree": 0, "MaxDomainsCount": 0, "Mode": "trust", "Name": "test", "NotAfter": 1686095999000, "NotBefore": 1654560000000, "OrganizationID": 2, "State": "托管中", "StateCode": "TRUSTING", "TopOrganizationID": 2, "Type": "TrustAsia Technologies, Inc.(1年)", "ValidityPeriod": 1, "YearOfValidity": 0 } ], "RetCode": 0, "TotalCount": 2 }