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Cloud Delivery(UCDN)batch_describe_new_ucdn_domain

[Deprecated] Batch acquisition of acceleration domain configuration - BatchDescribeNewUcdnDomain


Batch acquisition of acceleration domain configuration

💡 This interface will soon be offline, use GetUcdnDomainConfig to get domain configuration.


Public Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ActionstringCorresponding API command name, the current API is BatchDescribeNewUcdnDomain.Yes
PublicKeystringThe user’s public key can be obtained from Console Yes
SignaturestringUser signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature AlgorithmYes

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ProjectIdstringProject ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, and the sub-account must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface.No
OffsetintData offset, default is 0, non-negative integerNo
LimitintReturns the length of the data. If Offset is specified, the default is 20, otherwise, the default is all. Non-negative integer.No
DomainId.NstringDomain id, the resource id generated when creating a domain, by default, all domain information under the account is obtained, n is a natural number.No
ChannelTypestringChannels UCDN, UFile, UVideoNo

Response Field

Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RetCodeintReturn status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure.Yes
ActionstringOperation command name.Yes
MessagestringReturns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero.No
TotalCountintNumber of domains that meet the conditionsNo
MaxDomainNumintMaximum domain number, default is 20No
ChargeTypeintCurrent billing method, 10-Traffic Pay-As-You-Go, 20-Daily Peak Bandwidth, 30-Monthly 95th Percentile Billing, 31-Monthly Average Peak, 32-Monthly Fourth Peak, 33-Sum of Daily Average Peaks, 34- Daily 95th Percentile Average, 40-Billing Method Not SelectedNo
LastChargeTypeintIndicates the billing method switched to last time, 10=Pay-per-flow, 20=Daily peak bandwidth, 30=Postpaid monthly, 40=Billing method not selectedNo
Arrearagearray[string]An array indicating arrears, the array contains the following element values, 1= Domestic traffic is in arrears 2= Overseas traffic is in arrears 3= Domestic bandwidth is in arrears 4= Overseas bandwidth is in arrearsNo
VipstringVIP indicator, yes - yes no - noNo
DomainSetarray[DomainInfo]Domain information list, see DomainInfoNo

Data Model


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
OriginIparray[string]The source IP is the IP address that the CDN server accesses when it returns to the source. Multiple source IPs are supported, which can be expressed as: [,].Yes
TestUrlstringTest URL, used for domain creation acceleration testYes
CdnTypestringThe business type of the accelerated domain name, ‘web’ represents the website, ‘stream’ represents video, ‘download’ represents download.Yes
CacheConfarray[CacheConf]Cache Configuration Rules ListYes
AreaCodestringQuery bandwidth region ‘cn’ represents domestic, ‘abroad’ represents overseas. If not filled, the default is all regions.No
OriginHoststringBack-to-source Http request header Host, the default is the acceleration domain nameNo
OriginPortintOrigin PortNo
CdnProtocolstringAcceleration type http, http|httpsNo
OriginProtocolstringOrigin Protocol http, http|https Default httpNo
CertNamestringCertificate NameNo
TagstringBusiness group, default is DefaultNo
CacheHoststringCacheHost, different domain names can be configured to the same CacheHost to achieve cache sharing, the default is the accelerated domain name.No
ReferTypeint0 whitelist, 1 blacklistNo
NullReferbooleanWhen ReferType is set to whitelist, NullRefer set to false means NULL refer access is not allowed, while set to true means NULL refer access is allowed.No
ReferListarray[string]Refer list, supports regular expressionsNo
DomainstringDomain name, the domain name accelerated by the userNo
DomainIdstringDomain ID, the ID generated when creating a domainNo
StatusstringThe current status of the accelerated domain name created. ‘check’ represents under review, ‘checkSuccess’ represents review passed, ‘checkFail’ represents review failed, ‘enable’ represents accelerating, ‘disable’ represents stop accelerating, ‘delete’ represents delete accelerating, ‘enableing’ represents accelerating is being turned on, ‘disableing’ represents stop accelerating is in progress, ‘deleteing’ represents deletion is in progress.No
CnamestringCDN domain name. The CDN domain name generated when creating an acceleration domain name, used for setting CNAME records.No
CreateTimeintThe time of domain creation. Format: Timestamp.No
ValidTimeintStart allocating Cname time. Format: Timestamp.No
AccessConfAccessConfAccess ControlNo
ReferStatusbooleanRefer configuration switch, true for turning on, false for turning offNo
HttpsStatusCnstringDomestic HTTPS status enableing - Enabling fail - Enabling failed enable - Enabled disable - Not enabledNo
HttpsStatusAbroadstringOverseas HTTPS status enableing - Enabling, fail - Enabling failed, enable - Enabled, disable - Not enabledNo


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
PathPatternstringPath mode, supports regular expressionYes
CacheTTLintCaching TimeYes
CacheUnitstringUnit of cache time. sec (seconds), min (minutes), hour (hours), day (days). The upper limit is 1 year.Yes
CacheBehaviorbooleanWhether to cache, true for caching, false for not caching. In the case of false, CacheTTL and CacheUnit are forced to be ineffective.Yes
HttpCodePatternstringStatus code mode, non-200, 206 status codes, multiple status codes are separated by a vertical line (|), this attribute is only returned in the status code cache configuration list.No
DescriptionstringCaching Rule DescriptionNo
FollowOriginRulebooleanWhether to prioritize following the source station’s header caching strategy, false means not prioritizing the source station, true means prioritizing the source station’s caching header. The default is 0.No


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
IpBlackliststringSeparate multiple IPs with commasNo


Request Example &ProjectId=ZQiDGIbu &Offset=0 &Limit=20 &DomainId.0=ucdn-xxxx &ChannelType=ucdn

Response Example

{ "Action": "BatchDescribeNewUcdnDomainResponse", "RetCode": 0 }