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Obtain physical machine information - DescribePHost


Get detailed information of the physical machine


Public Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ActionstringCorresponding API command name, the current API is DescribePHost.Yes
PublicKeystringThe user’s public key can be obtained from Console Yes
SignaturestringUser signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature AlgorithmYes

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RegionstringRegion. See List of Regions and Availability Zones Yes
ZonestringAvailability Zone. See Availability Zone List No
ProjectIdstringProject ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, sub-accounts must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface .No
PHostId.NstringPHost Resource ID, if it is empty, then return all PHosts in the current Region.No
OffsetintData offset, default is 0No
LimitintReturn data length, default is 20No
UDiskIdForAttachmentstringThe ID of the cloud disk to be mounted, filter and return the cloud host that can be mounted by UDiskId. Currently mainly used for rssd cloud disk.No
VPCIdstringULB usage parameters, obtain machine information under the same VPC.No

Response Field

Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RetCodeintReturn status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure.Yes
ActionstringOperation command name.Yes
MessagestringReturns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero.No
TotalCountintTotal Number of Qualified PHostNo
PHostSetarray[PHostSet]PHost Resource List, see PHostSetNo

Data Model


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ZonestringAvailability Zone, see Availability Zone ListNo
PHostIdstringPHost Resource IDNo
SNstringPhysical Machine Serial NumberNo
PMStatusstringPhysical cloud host status. Enumerated values:

> Initializing: Initializing;

> Starting: Starting;

> Running: Running;

> Stopping: Stopping;

> InstallFailed: Install Failed;

> Rebooting: Rebooting;

> Stopped: Stopped;

> Migrating (BareMetal cloud disk): Migrating
NamestringPhysical Machine NameNo
RemarkstringPhysical Machine RemarksNo
TagstringBusiness GroupNo
ImageNamestringImage NameNo
OSnamestringOperating System NameNo
CreateTimeintCreation TimeNo
ExpireTimeintExpiration DateNo
ChargeTypestringBilling mode, enumeration values are: Year, paid annually; Month, paid monthly; Default is monthly.No
PowerStatestringPower status, on or offNo
PHostTypestringPhysical machine type, see the return value of DescribePHostMachineTypeNo
MemoryintMemory size, unit: MBNo
CPUSetPHostCPUSetCPU Information, see PHostCPUSetNo
DiskSetarray[PHostDescDiskSet]Disk Information, see PHostDescDiskSetNo
IPSetarray[PHostIPSet]IP Information, see PHostIPSetNo
ClusterstringNetwork environment. Enumerated values: Gigabit: 1G, Ten Gigabit: 10GNo
AutoRenewstringAuto RenewalNo
IsSupportKVMstringDoes it support emergency login?No
OSTypestringOperating System TypeNo
ComponentsstringComponent Information (Not Supported Yet)No
RaidSupportedstringDoes it support Raid. Enumerated values: Yes: Supported; No: Not supported.No
PhostClassstringPhysical cloud product type, enumeration values: LocalDisk=> represents traditional local disk model, CloudDisk=> cloud disk bare metal modelNo
BootDiskStatestringBareMetal machine type field. Enumerated values: Normal => Normal, ImageMaking => Image Making in Progress.No
RdmaClusterIdstringRDMA cluster id, only returned by BareMetal cloud disk; other types of physical cloud hosts return "". When the value of this physical machine is the same as the RdmaClusterId of the RSSD cloud disk, the RSSD can be mounted to this physical machine.No


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ModelstringCPU ModelNo
FrequencefloatCPU Clock SpeedNo
CountintNumber of CPUsNo
CoreCountintCPU CoresNo


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
SpaceintSingle disk size, unit GBNo
CountintNumber of DisksNo
TypestringDisk AttributesNo
NamestringDisk Name, sys/dataNo
IOCapintDisk IO performance, unit MB/s (to be deprecated)No
DrivestringBareMetal Machine Parameters: Disk Drive LetterNo
DiskIdstringBareMetal Machine Parameters: Disk IDNo
IsBootstringBareMetal Machine Parameters: Is it a boot disk. True/FalseNo


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
OperatorNamestringInternational: International, BGP: BGP, Private Network: PrivateNo
IPIdstringIP Resource ID (No resource ID for internal IP) (To be deprecated)No
IPAddrstringIP AddressNo
MACAddrstringMAC AddressNo
BandwidthintBandwidth corresponding to IP, unit Mb, bandwidth information is not displayed for internal IPNo
SubnetIdstringSubnet IDNo


Request Example &Region=jpfMKyfI &Zone=vdTrBzdz &ProjectId=edaZIUNR &PHostId.n=wdKzhBfK &Offset=2 &Limit=9 &UDiskIdForAttachment=XmuOwhco &VPCId=xnyTdDlO

Response Example

{ "Action": "DescribePHostResponse", "PHostSet": [ { "AutoRenew": "vElhSowt", "CPUSet": {}, "ChargeType": "HOJWsIek", "Cluster": "SvWpSdGG", "Components": "NHahHEJf", "CreateTime": 9, "DiskSet": [ { "Count": 2, "DiskId": "PVQamRGq", "Drive": "iIFxawYp", "IOCap": 2, "IsBoot": "IAZXBkLX", "Name": "YQkYorHg", "Space": 5, "Type": "hLDhTxqn" } ], "ExpireTime": 5, "IPSet": [ { "Bandwidth": 3, "IPAddr": "qCusNtNv", "IPId": "LwjcdFGT", "MACAddr": "PSlpiPlG", "OperatorName": "gUOcEZye", "SubnetId": "ixWBJCUq", "VPCId": "zwqAPBrO" } ], "ImageName": "gUYdJqug", "IsSupportKVM": "KqCCSXRY", "Memory": 7, "Name": "FozvyzAs", "OSType": "sEcEUJdn", "OSname": "oUGwtCWs", "PHostId": "tGnqGyiM", "PHostType": "JhbxVSaA", "PMStatus": "HJDlIYWi", "PhostClass": "hPSEhtat", "PowerState": "cBAaaIxY", "RaidSupported": "GgiMyJLC", "Remark": "etGTUBlU", "SN": "zPIhEFwm", "Tag": "HLukoXZc", "Zone": "zubgQpUw" } ], "RetCode": 0, "TotalCount": 5 }