Data Transmission Service(UDTS)

Create UDTS Task - CreateUDTSTask


Create UDTS Task


Public Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ActionstringCorresponding API command name, the current API is CreateUDTSTask.Yes
PublicKeystringThe user’s public key can be obtained from ConsoleYes
SignaturestringUser signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature AlgorithmYes

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ProjectIdstringProject ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, sub-accounts must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface.No
NamestringTask name, length cannot exceed 128Yes
TypestringTask type, transfer (data transfer) or integration (data integration)Yes
Source.N.ModestringTask mode, the value can be full, incremental, full+incremental, bidirectionalYes
Source.N.DataTypestringDatabase type, such as mysqlYes
Source.N.NWTypestringSource network type, can be public, user, dedicated_lineYes
Source.N.ServiceTypestringService type, the value can be small, medium, large, corresponding to “Basic Edition”, “Light Edition” and “Flagship Edition” respectively.Yes
Source.N.BandwidthLimitintSource speed limit, unit is MB/sNo
Source.N.MySQLNode.HoststringSource Database AddressNo
Source.N.MySQLNode.PortintSource Database PortNo
Source.N.MySQLNode.UserstringSource database usernameNo
Source.N.MySQLNode.PasswordstringSource Database PasswordNo
Source.N.MySQLNode.VPCIdstringSource database VPC ID, needs to be filled in when the network type is ‘user’. It can be obtained from, for example, uvnet-u0ecace.No
Source.N.MySQLNode.SubnetIdstringSource database subnet ID, needs to be filled in when the network type is ‘user’, can be obtained from, for example, subnet-2sloxs.No
Source.N.MySQLNode.DataRegionstringDatabase region, for example cn-bj2No
Source.N.MySQLNode.DatabasestringName of the DB to be migratedNo
Source.N.MySQLNode.TablestringName of the table to be migratedNo
Source.N.MySQLNode.SyncData.BinlogNamestringThe binlog name needs to be specified during the incremental time, which can be obtained through the ‘show master status’ command, or it will be automatically set in the full + incremental task.No
Source.N.MySQLNode.SyncData.BinlogPosintThe binlog pos that needs to be specified during incremental time can be obtained through show master status, or it will be automatically set by full + incremental tasks.No
Source.N.MySQLNode.SyncData.ServerIDintThe serverID that needs to be specified during the increment cannot be duplicated with the existing slave. This value will be checked during the pre-check.No
Source.N.MySQLNode.SyncData.BinlogGTIDstringThe binlog gtid that needs to be specified during the incremental time can be obtained through the show master status, or it will be automatically set by the full + incremental task.No
QueryData.N.DBNamestringName of the DB to be migrated during data integrationNo
QueryData.N.NewDBNamestringDB Name after Data Integration MigrationNo
QueryData.N.TableData.TableNamesstringThis field is temporarily unusedNo
QueryData.N.TableData.ExcludeTablesbooleanThis field is temporarily unusedNo
TableMaps.N.TableNamestringTable name that needs to be migrated during data integrationNo
TableMaps.N.NewTableNamestringTable name after data integration migrationNo
Source.N.MySQLNode.KeepExistDatabooleanWhether to retain the original data, this parameter is only effective when data integration is in progress.No
Source.N.MySQLNode.DupActionstringDuplication data processing rules, this parameter is only effective during data integration, the value is either ignore or replace.No
Source.N.MySQLNode.SSLSecurity.SSLCAstringCA certificate, currently only supports PEM format; need to base64 the file content.No
Source.N.MySQLNode.SSLSecurity.SSLCertstringClient Certificate; The file content needs to be base64No
Source.N.MySQLNode.SSLSecurity.SSLKeystringClient private key, the file content needs to be base64No
Target.DataTypestringTarget database type, for example mysqlYes
Target.NWTypestringTarget db network type, currently only supports userYes
Target.BandwidthLimitstringDestination end speed limit, unit in MB/sNo
Target.MySQLNode.HoststringTarget database address, for example
Target.MySQLNode.PortintTarget database port, for example 3306No
Target.MySQLNode.UserstringTarget database username, for example rootNo
Target.MySQLNode.PasswordstringTarget Database PasswordNo
Target.MySQLNode.VPCIdstringTarget Database VPC, for example uvnet-1wz5rqteNo
Target.MySQLNode.SubnetIdstringTarget database subnet ID, for example subnet-zl44fktqNo
Target.MySQLNode.DataRegionstringTarget database region, for example cn-bj2No
Target.MySQLNode.NoBinlogbooleanWhether to temporarily disable the generation of binlog in the target MySQL during the full process, it can be used when the target disk space is insufficient, or when a faster migration speed is needed. This parameter will disrupt the high availability of the target MySQL.No
MaxRetryCountstringRetry times, maximum is 5. Default is 0.No
QuerystringThis field is temporarily unusedNo
IsUnidirectionstringThis field is temporarily unusedNo
RemarkstringNote information, length cannot exceed 255No
QuantityintPurchase duration, default: 1No
ChargeTypestringPayment method, enumeration values are: Year, pay annually; Month, pay monthly; Dynamic, pay on demand (permission required); default is monthly payment.No
CouponIdstringVoucher ID, not used by defaultNo

Response Field

Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RetCodeintReturn status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure.Yes
ActionstringOperation command name.Yes
MessagestringReturns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero.No
TaskIdstringTask ID, currently used for console operation logsNo


Request Example

Response Example

  "Action": "CreateUDTSTaskResponse",
  "Data": {},
  "Message": "FnZvjDcL",
  "RetCode": 0,
  "TaskID": "zJeiMttl"