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Create USMC Task - CreateUSMCTask


Create USMC Task


Public Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ActionstringCorresponding API command name, the current API is CreateUSMCTask.Yes
PublicKeystringThe user’s public key can be obtained from ConsoleYes
SignaturestringUser signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature AlgorithmYes

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
NamestringTask name, length cannot exceed 128Yes
AgentIdstringClient IDYes
TargetRegionstringTarget RegionYes
TargetZonestringTarget Availability ZoneYes
TargetVPCIdstringTarget VPCId, default is ‘default’Yes
TargetSubnetIdstringTarget subnet ID, default is ‘default’Yes
PlanIdstringMigration Plan IDYes
TargetUHostPasswordstringTarget Machine PasswordYes
IncrementalstringWhether to enable automatic incrementation, default is off true/falseNo
IntervalstringWhen Incremental is set to true, it specifies the interval for incremental synchronization, in minutes.No
BandwidthLimitstringThe maximum speed setting, unit in MB/s, public network/dedicated line (0, 56], user network (0, 1024], if not filled/exceeded, the default is peak value.No
MachineTypestringMachine TypeNo
MinimalCpuPlatformstringCPU PlatformNo
EIPOperatorNamestring[If EIP is bound, this parameter is required] The line of the Elastic IP. Enumeration value: International: International BGP: BgpNo
EIPBandwidthstringEIP BandwidthNo
EIPPayModestringElastic IP Bandwidth, Enumeration values: “Traffic”, Traffic Billing; “Bandwidth”, Bandwidth Billing; “ShareBandwidth”, Shared Bandwidth Mode. “Free”: Free Bandwidth Mode. Default is “Bandwidth”.No
EIPShareBandwidthIdstringThe ID of the bound shared bandwidth, only effective when PayMode is set to ShareBandwidth.No
DataDiskTypestringData disk type, enumeration value is the same as the disk type. Use the system disk type when not specified.No
GpuintNumber of GPU card cores. Only GPU models support this field (optional range related to MachineType+GpuType).No
GpuTypestringGPU type, enumeration values [“K80”, “P40”, “V100”, “T4”,“T4A”, “T4S”,“2080Ti”,“2080Ti-4C”,“1080Ti”, “T4/4”, “MI100”, “V100S”,2080”,“2080TiS”,“2080TiPro”,“3090”,“A100”], required when MachineType is G.No
CpuintNumber of virtual CPU cores. The default value is the number of cores of the source host.No
MemoryintMemory size. Unit: MB. The default value is the memory size of the source machine.No
UDSetIdstring[Private Zone Properties] Zone IDNo
UDHostIdstring[Private Zone Property] Host ID of the zoneNo
HostBindingboolean[UDSet Attributes] Enable the residence association attribute for the UDSet UHost.No
TargetUHostChargeTypestringThe billing type of the target machine, the value can be Year, Month, Dynamic, default is Dynamic.No
TargetUHostQuantitystringThe billing cycle of the target machine, default is 1, can be 0 when StopOverHostChargeType is Month.No
TargetUHostPrivateIpstringTarget machine’s internal network IPNo
SystemDiskTypestringSystem disk type, enumeration values: “CLOUD_RSSD”, RSSD cloud disk; “CLOUD_SSD”, SSD cloud disk. Default is CLOUD_RSSD.No
SecGroupId.N.IdstringSecurity Group ID. Up to 5 security groups can be bound at the same time.No
SecGroupId.N.PrioritystringSecurity Group Priority. Value range [1, 5]No

Response Field

Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RetCodeintReturn status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure.Yes
ActionstringOperation command name.Yes
MessagestringReturns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero.No


Request Example &Name=RiTNTfPv &AgentId=fEKYvBcp &TargetRegion=XupsFLht &TargetZone=ZXRhmlcT &Incremental=wkKiRedm &Interval=zAZwpcgP &BandwidthLimit=YmwhOkfL &TargetVPCId=WiLHvNbH &TargetSubnetId=gxWleKNJ &ProjectId=KEmOYzUb &SetId=YXXrRIpv &StopOverHostChargeType=YplVJDmC &StopOverHostQuantity=qnyKulrZ &IP=khlqvxqf &Password=CtImCWpC &EIPOperatorName=etdVEuxt &EIPBandwidth=CpvCFxDZ &EIPPayMode=KlvWQjQH &EIPShareBandwidthId=WlhDIMqw &TargetHostname=SquOMcbU &TargetHostname=IIrTEUPs &TargetHostname=qTdShCoy &MachineType=bSqxEHWD &MinimalCpuPlatform=vWearvLt &MachineType=GhydOYic &MinimalCpuPlatform=iPNPxFpm &DiskType=iNHVCuhG &Gpu=4 &GpuType=SaiFhPSB &Cpu=4 &Memory=8 &UDSetId=RYiqXUdz &UDHostId=XsryFEbR &HostBinding=true &DataDiskType=MNZBGIFr &UDSetId=EeCiGrUv &UDHostId=oQVGkXlz &HostBinding=false &SecGroupId.N.Id=IFAkhyeu &SecGroupId.N.Priority=FRNcCBTn

Response Example

{ "Action": "CreateUSMCTaskResponse", "Data": {}, "Message": "aJpSfwDp", "RetCode": 0 }