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Get UMem List - DescribeUMem


Get UMem List

💡 (Protocol=redis: Display master-slave Redis and distributed Redis; Protocol= memcache: Display stand-alone memcache)


Public Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ActionstringCorresponding API command name, the current API is DescribeUMem.Yes
PublicKeystringThe user’s public key can be obtained from ConsoleYes
SignaturestringUser signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature AlgorithmYes

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RegionstringRegion. See List of Regions and Availability ZonesYes
ZonestringAvailability Zone. See Availability Zone ListNo
ProjectIdstringProject ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, sub-accounts must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface.No
ProtocolstringProtocol Type: memcache, redisYes
OffsetintThe starting offset for pagination display, the default value is 0.No
LimitintNumber of items displayed per page, default value is 20No
ResourceIdstringResource IDNo

Response Field

Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RetCodeintReturn status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure.Yes
ActionstringOperation command name.Yes
MessagestringReturns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero.No
TotalCountintTotal count based on filter conditionsNo
DataSetarray[UMemDataSet]UMem Instance List, see UMemDataSet for details.No

Data Model


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ZonestringThe availability zone where the instance is located, or the availability zone where the master redis is located, see Availability Zone ListNo
OwnSlavestringDoes it have a read-only Slave
’Yes’ includes
’No’ does not include
DataSetarray[UMemSlaveDataSet]UMem Instance List UMemSlaveDataSet If there is no slave, this field does not existNo
RolestringIndicates whether the instance is a master or a slave, master, slave
Only master-slave redis returns this parameter
RewriteTimeintMaintenance time for Master-Slave Redis and Distributed Redis
0 //0 o’clock
1 //1 o’clock
And so on
The standalone version of Memcache does not return this item
ResourceIdstringResource IDNo
NamestringResource NameNo
CreateTimeintCreation TimeNo
ExpireTimeintExpiration DateNo
TypestringSpace Type: single (no hot backup), double (hot backup)No
ProtocolstringProtocol Type: memcache, redisNo
SizeintCapacity Unit GBNo
UsedSizeintUsage Unit MBNo
StatestringInstance Status
Starting // Starting
Creating // Creating
CreateFail // Creation Failed
Fail // Failed
Deleting // Deleting
DeleteFail // Deletion Failed
Running // Running
Resizing // Resizing
ResizeFail // Resize Failed
Configing // Configuring
ConfigFail // Configuration Failed
Restarting // Restarting
SetPasswordFail // Password Setting Failed
ChargeTypestringBilling Mode, Yearly, Monthly, Dynamic, TrialNo
Addressarray[UMemSpaceAddressSet]For IP port information, please refer to UMemSpaceAddressSet.No
TagstringBusiness Group NameNo
ResourceTypestringdistributed: Distributed version of Redis, or Distributed Memcache; single: Master-Slave version of Redis, or Single Memcache; performance: High-performance version.No
ConfigIdstringConfiguration ID of the nodeNo
AutoBackupstringDo you need automatic backup, enable, disableNo
BackupTimeintStart time for automatic backup, measured in hours, range [0-23]No
HighAvailabilitystringEnable high availability, enable, disableNo
VersionstringRedis Version InformationNo
SlaveZonestringCross-IDC URedis, the availability zone where the slave redis is located, see Availability Zone ListNo


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ZonestringThe availability zone where the instance is located, or the availability zone where the master redis is located, see Availability Zone ListNo
RewriteTimeintMaster-Slave Redis returns operation and maintenance time 0//0 o’clock 1 //1 o’clock and so onNo
MasterGroupIdstringMaster Instance IDNo
GroupIdstringResource IDNo
MemorySizeintStrength SizeNo
GroupNamestringResource NameNo
RolestringIndicates whether the instance is a master or a slave, master, slaveNo
ModifyTimeintModification TimeNo
NamestringResource NameNo
CreateTimeintCreation TimeNo
ExpireTimeintExpiration DateNo
SizeintCapacity Unit GBNo
UsedSizeintUsage Unit MBNo
StatestringInstance Status Starting // Starting Creating // Initializing CreateFail // Creation Failed Fail // Failed Deleting // Deleting DeleteFail // Deletion Failed Running // Running Resizing // Resizing ResizeFail // Resize Failed Configing // Configuring ConfigFail // Configuration Failed Restarting // Restarting
SetPasswordFail //Password Setting Failed
ChargeTypestringBilling Mode, Yearly, Monthly, Dynamic, TrialNo
TagstringBusiness Group NameNo
ResourceTypestringdistributed: Distributed version of Redis, or Distributed Memcache; single: Master-Slave version of Redis, or Single Memcache; performance: High-performance version.No
ConfigIdstringConfiguration ID of the nodeNo
VersionstringRedis Version InformationNo


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
IPstringUMem Instance Access IPNo
PortintUMem Instance Access PortNo


Request Example &Region=CYfSjtfA &Offset=5 &Limit=5 &ResourceId=wnfMfnQr &Protocol=cGcleCur &ProjectId=tWfLNsOR &公共参数= &Zone=ATRtBpOx

Response Example

{ "Action": "DescribeUMemResponse", "DataSet": [ { "Address": [ { "IP": "xdTFKPdq", "Port": 5 }, { "IP": "ICaNxwru", "Port": 1 }, { "IP": "KZqbVrIc", "Port": 7 } ], "AutoBackup": "ooioDhuV", "BackupTime": 4, "ChargeType": "MtCuMDNq", "ConfigId": "GGDQMFVL", "CreateTime": 5, "ExpireTime": 1, "HighAvailability": "xYGVItde", "Name": "wTABuadt", "Protocol": "CMbNPLru", "ResourceId": "KNhCzsnD", "ResourceType": "nedYlOcN", "Size": 7, "State": "PkNmCXOe", "Tag": "BEgtahwU", "Type": "NOfFjyhX", "UsedSize": 4, "Version": "zFhXccwi" }, { "Address": [ { "IP": "ZTodkDol", "Port": 1 }, { "IP": "QkzdFKDl", "Port": 1 }, { "IP": "hwUHGGVi", "Port": 6 }, { "IP": "gJavQdmG", "Port": 2 }, { "IP": "OrwRojjw", "Port": 2 }, { "IP": "eJUebkxS", "Port": 5 }, { "IP": "uMVPWLkH", "Port": 6 } ], "AutoBackup": "NfcBLyQI", "BackupTime": 5, "ChargeType": "uiZoHzyi", "ConfigId": "gDsoivjx", "CreateTime": 1, "ExpireTime": 8, "HighAvailability": "XrzqTFzK", "Name": "AbjCxxLb", "Protocol": "XzuuhHjf", "ResourceId": "HJjSlGLt", "ResourceType": "InWvDkJP", "Size": 9, "State": "VIjpXSCn", "Tag": "XSVehmBE", "Type": "ANOGVpPO", "UsedSize": 9, "Version": "ZFUDNVDq" }, { "Address": [ { "IP": "YShqePzv", "Port": 3 }, { "IP": "spznbmgM", "Port": 5 }, { "IP": "XCFVsQlL", "Port": 7 }, { "IP": "jCAUupec", "Port": 2 }, { "IP": "KorEUnXh", "Port": 6 }, { "IP": "LmcAuhbk", "Port": 7 }, { "IP": "CIvqCUOK", "Port": 4 } ], "AutoBackup": "MQJPoYQr", "BackupTime": 5, "ChargeType": "CQviKnot", "ConfigId": "HBrVFASw", "CreateTime": 4, "ExpireTime": 5, "HighAvailability": "hVLLcNWN", "Name": "RZKzvpmh", "Protocol": "bAWgrRHF", "ResourceId": "eTwaSUzH", "ResourceType": "KoCPtlax", "Size": 3, "State": "wQidxUHZ", "Tag": "sRUNzpSY", "Type": "yoUDmTJX", "UsedSize": 4, "Version": "AYXbCivF" }, { "Address": [ { "IP": "cnjJWGva", "Port": 1 }, { "IP": "rAHqmynD", "Port": 1 }, { "IP": "VzuCmpAa", "Port": 9 }, { "IP": "IkVbzRfq", "Port": 4 }, { "IP": "CNPNweAR", "Port": 4 }, { "IP": "BsJAozyf", "Port": 4 }, { "IP": "vUFqoJBj", "Port": 7 }, { "IP": "ofvvqQZh", "Port": 7 }, { "IP": "FIraTIGo", "Port": 4 } ], "AutoBackup": "vwdSLHVA", "BackupTime": 4, "ChargeType": "GwJzioLi", "ConfigId": "ULiQaVgb", "CreateTime": 1, "ExpireTime": 2, "HighAvailability": "nuuhdpWH", "Name": "QbmhcsNf", "Protocol": "gdeIrjKg", "ResourceId": "jIqIpSAp", "ResourceType": "fQrimsOM", "Size": 4, "State": "rxFqmOZf", "Tag": "kMmEoasr", "Type": "EVnsmeNx", "UsedSize": 9, "Version": "wEujwBHY" }, { "Address": [ { "IP": "wUfpOUYA", "Port": 5 }, { "IP": "BvSpBiLa", "Port": 3 }, { "IP": "FSUgdGnL", "Port": 7 }, { "IP": "GGixhLIS", "Port": 4 }, { "IP": "gQUiMBYV", "Port": 6 }, { "IP": "nejHKCBI", "Port": 5 } ], "AutoBackup": "nzEkQVyH", "BackupTime": 6, "ChargeType": "qgxkWoPM", "ConfigId": "AIvmSCoB", "CreateTime": 9, "ExpireTime": 7, "HighAvailability": "qjqzRjHG", "Name": "ChBOhqxj", "Protocol": "lhgSDftR", "ResourceId": "bUTXOjYY", "ResourceType": "VylaOIJV", "Size": 2, "State": "ImYqMePS", "Tag": "CmCJJYAa", "Type": "vRdQdGTT", "UsedSize": 8, "Version": "QwICJfTd" }, { "Address": [ { "IP": "mQoEctdQ", "Port": 3 }, { "IP": "uZgHKYee", "Port": 5 }, { "IP": "leDBpMoL", "Port": 9 }, { "IP": "TsSuhKXT", "Port": 1 }, { "IP": "lOSGqWkY", "Port": 7 }, { "IP": "FBkomBaQ", "Port": 8 }, { "IP": "KtyyPoRv", "Port": 3 }, { "IP": "ukYmYeQa", "Port": 5 } ], "AutoBackup": "anPEPEmG", "BackupTime": 1, "ChargeType": "wAffwhKn", "ConfigId": "ytRPrLgJ", "CreateTime": 5, "ExpireTime": 1, "HighAvailability": "JpeCMIqP", "Name": "RDFvxajX", "Protocol": "yJqpAmSN", "ResourceId": "roBVpTyn", "ResourceType": "HgncGXuN", "Size": 6, "State": "FyPMYAsH", "Tag": "NQMMBDrh", "Type": "saCvAuJl", "UsedSize": 3, "Version": "EkuVHZhK" }, { "Address": [ { "IP": "mvrqcHWI", "Port": 5 }, { "IP": "hRSPxQhf", "Port": 1 }, { "IP": "ffKEHpDA", "Port": 3 }, { "IP": "AnPwmonG", "Port": 9 }, { "IP": "FAuJExqC", "Port": 4 }, { "IP": "UzRUjIBE", "Port": 3 } ], "AutoBackup": "EvPVHOmx", "BackupTime": 3, "ChargeType": "nYSzbBoP", "ConfigId": "vEVKUWMd", "CreateTime": 4, "ExpireTime": 1, "HighAvailability": "waGtiDlf", "Name": "VRFmczWo", "Protocol": "xiIwoTUv", "ResourceId": "PGouUYsk", "ResourceType": "ffIyEJqL", "Size": 2, "State": "rBeTVgaa", "Tag": "ZHIotklv", "Type": "zIiucsOC", "UsedSize": 7, "Version": "qhGDrkPo" }, { "Address": [ { "IP": "ZrVTKWBR", "Port": 3 }, { "IP": "EuuxPaBb", "Port": 6 }, { "IP": "YMEmcZQW", "Port": 2 }, { "IP": "NqYXHFiB", "Port": 7 }, { "IP": "WlRHoRYZ", "Port": 6 }, { "IP": "ojLcBaQA", "Port": 8 }, { "IP": "WahBbpNS", "Port": 1 }, { "IP": "qYimJEhr", "Port": 2 }, { "IP": "QNrwuenH", "Port": 9 } ], "AutoBackup": "nnRAjmgM", "BackupTime": 8, "ChargeType": "jGeHUiMK", "ConfigId": "iImVJSTb", "CreateTime": 9, "ExpireTime": 6, "HighAvailability": "ralTPpQt", "Name": "SifJNKyo", "Protocol": "wsUXNQoi", "ResourceId": "XUJFsvxu", "ResourceType": "PdADkchN", "Size": 1, "State": "CmfSmehq", "Tag": "FMJrjZRv", "Type": "uluarTlm", "UsedSize": 7, "Version": "PSmpRZpd" } ], "RetCode": 0, "TotalCount": 5 }