Obtain information of the entire cluster - DescribeUKafkaInstance
Obtain information of the entire cluster
Public Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Action | string | Corresponding API command name, the current API is DescribeUKafkaInstance . | Yes |
PublicKey | string | The user’s public key can be obtained from Console | Yes |
Signature | string | User signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature Algorithm | Yes |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Region | string | Region. See List of Regions and Availability Zones | Yes |
Zone | string | Availability Zone. See Availability Zone List | Yes |
ProjectId | string | Project ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, and the sub-account must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface. | No |
ClusterInstanceId | string | Cluster ID | Yes |
Filter | string | Whether to filter out deleted nodes, default is ‘true’ | No |
Response Field
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
RetCode | int | Return status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure. | Yes |
Action | string | Operation command name. | Yes |
Message | string | Returns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero. | No |
ClusterSet | array[ClusterInfo] | Cluster Information List | Yes |
Data Model
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Zone | string | Belonging Availability Zone | No |
AppConfigCount | string | Number of Cluster App Configurations | No |
AppConfigSet | array[string] | Cluster App Configuration | No |
BusinessId | string | Business ID | No |
ChargeType | string | Payment Type | No |
ClusterInstanceId | string | Cluster ID | No |
ClusterInstanceName | string | Cluster Name | No |
CreateTime | int | Cluster Creation Time | No |
DataSyncInfo | string | Flume data synchronization information | No |
ExpireTime | string | Cluster Expiration Time | No |
Framework | string | Cluster Framework | No |
FrameworkVersion | string | Cluster Framework Version | No |
NetworkId | string | Network id | No |
Remark | string | Cluster Notes | No |
RunningTime | string | Cluster Running Time | No |
State | string | Current cluster status, cluster status: “Running”| “Abnormal”| “Creating”| “Deleting”| “CreateFailed”| “DeleteFailed”| “Unavailable”| “Deleted”| “Updating”| “Deploying”| “Migrating”| “ExpandFailed”. | No |
SubnetId | string | Subnet ID | No |
Tag | string | Cluster Tag | No |
UHostCount | string | Number of cluster nodes | No |
UHostSet | array[Broker] | Node Information List | No |
VPCId | string | Belonging VPC id | No |
ValidBrokerNum | string | Number of Available Nodes | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
BrokerId | string | broker id | No |
BrokerInfo | string | Broker associated topic information | No |
CreateTime | string | Broker creation information | No |
DomainName | string | broker domain name | No |
ExpireTime | int | broker expiration time | No |
IPSet | array[IP] | Broker IP Information | No |
InstanceGroupType | string | Broker machine type information | No |
KafkaPort | string | Kafka service port | No |
Remark | string | broker remark information | No |
ResourceId | string | Broker registration resource information | No |
SecurityGroupId | string | Security Group id | No |
State | string | broker current status | No |
UHostConfig | UHostConfig | Broker node configuration | No |
UHostId | string | Node id | No |
UHostName | string | Node Name | No |
UHostRole | string | Node Type | No |
ZooKeeper | string | Is the node deployed with zookeeper? | No |
ZooKeeperPort | string | Zookeeper service port | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
IP | string | IP Address | No |
Type | string | IP Type | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
BootDiskSize | int | Node system disk size (unit: G) | No |
CPU | int | Number of Node CPU Cores | No |
DataDiskSize | int | Node Data Disk Size (Unit: G) | No |
Memory | int | Node Memory (Unit: MB) | No |
OS | string | Internal System Name of Node | No |
Request Example
Response Example
"Action": "DescribeUKafkaInstanceResponse",
"ClusterSet": [
"AppConfigCount": 0,
"AppConfigSet": [],
"BusinessId": "",
"ChargeType": "Month",
"ClusterInstanceId": "ukafka-wpdsk5",
"ClusterInstanceName": "barfoo",
"CreateTime": 1543299784,
"DataSyncInfo": {
"Status": "Off"
"ExpireTime": 1546272000,
"Framework": "Kafka",
"FrameworkVersion": "1.1.1",
"NetworkId": "",
"Remark": "",
"RunningTime": 517495,
"State": "Running",
"SubnetId": "subnet-5ofcuz",
"Tag": "Default",
"UHostCount": 4,
"UHostSet": [
"BrokerId": "1",
"BrokerInfo": [
"PartitionOnBroker": "3",
"Partitions": "0,1,2",
"Replication": 3,
"TopicName": "foo",
"TotalPartitions": 3
"PartitionOnBroker": "3",
"Partitions": "0,1,2",
"Replication": 3,
"TopicName": "bar",
"TotalPartitions": 3
"PartitionOnBroker": "3",
"Partitions": "0,1,2",
"Replication": 3,
"TopicName": "nil",
"TotalPartitions": 3
"CreateTime": 1543299784,
"DomainName": "",
"ExpireTime": 1546272000,
"IPSet": [
"IP": "",
"Type": "Private"
"InstanceGroupType": "J1-large",
"KafkaPort": 9092,
"Remark": "",
"ResourceId": "kafkadocker-s2fpui",
"SecurityGroupId": "",
"State": "Running",
"UHostConfig": {
"BootDiskSize": 20,
"CPU": 2,
"DataDiskSize": 200,
"Memory": 4096,
"OS": "Kafka"
"UHostId": "node-jzahyy",
"UHostName": "ukafka-wpdsk5-kafka1",
"UHostRole": "KafkaMaster",
"ZooKeeper": "Yes",
"ZooKeeperPort": 2181,
"Zookeeper": "Yes"
"BrokerId": "2",
"BrokerInfo": [
"PartitionOnBroker": "3",
"Partitions": "0,1,2",
"Replication": 3,
"TopicName": "foo",
"TotalPartitions": 3
"PartitionOnBroker": "3",
"Partitions": "0,1,2",
"Replication": 3,
"TopicName": "bar",
"TotalPartitions": 3
"PartitionOnBroker": "3",
"Partitions": "0,1,2",
"Replication": 3,
"TopicName": "nil",
"TotalPartitions": 3
"CreateTime": 1543299784,
"DomainName": "",
"ExpireTime": 1546272000,
"IPSet": [
"IP": "",
"Type": "Private"
"InstanceGroupType": "J1-large",
"KafkaPort": 9092,
"Remark": "",
"ResourceId": "kafkadocker-lhq3dv",
"SecurityGroupId": "",
"State": "Running",
"UHostConfig": {
"BootDiskSize": 20,
"CPU": 2,
"DataDiskSize": 200,
"Memory": 4096,
"OS": "Kafka"
"UHostId": "node-05znvw",
"UHostName": "ukafka-wpdsk5-kafka2",
"UHostRole": "KafkaMaster",
"ZooKeeper": "Yes",
"ZooKeeperPort": 2181,
"Zookeeper": "Yes"
"BrokerId": "3",
"BrokerInfo": [
"PartitionOnBroker": "3",
"Partitions": "0,1,2",
"Replication": 3,
"TopicName": "foo",
"TotalPartitions": 3
"PartitionOnBroker": "3",
"Partitions": "0,1,2",
"Replication": 3,
"TopicName": "bar",
"TotalPartitions": 3
"PartitionOnBroker": "3",
"Partitions": "0,1,2",
"Replication": 3,
"TopicName": "nil",
"TotalPartitions": 3
"CreateTime": 1543299784,
"DomainName": "",
"ExpireTime": 1546272000,
"IPSet": [
"IP": "",
"Type": "Private"
"InstanceGroupType": "J1-large",
"KafkaPort": 9092,
"Remark": "",
"ResourceId": "kafkadocker-ithmgf",
"SecurityGroupId": "",
"State": "Running",
"UHostConfig": {
"BootDiskSize": 20,
"CPU": 2,
"DataDiskSize": 200,
"Memory": 4096,
"OS": "Kafka"
"UHostId": "node-0qqn0k",
"UHostName": "ukafka-wpdsk5-kafka3",
"UHostRole": "KafkaMaster",
"ZooKeeper": "Yes",
"ZooKeeperPort": 2181,
"Zookeeper": "Yes"
"BrokerId": "4",
"BrokerInfo": [],
"CreateTime": 1543814808,
"DomainName": "",
"ExpireTime": 1546272000,
"IPSet": [
"IP": "",
"Type": "Private"
"InstanceGroupType": "J1-large",
"KafkaPort": 9092,
"Remark": "",
"ResourceId": "kafkadocker-bsvlbi",
"SecurityGroupId": "",
"State": "Running",
"UHostConfig": {
"BootDiskSize": 20,
"CPU": 2,
"DataDiskSize": 200,
"Memory": 4096,
"OS": "Kafka"
"UHostId": "node-scqtkk",
"UHostName": "ukafka-wpdsk5-kafka4",
"UHostRole": "Kafka",
"ZooKeeper": "No",
"ZooKeeperPort": 2181,
"Zookeeper": "No"
"VPCId": "uvnet-n10cep",
"ValidBrokerNum": 4,
"Zone": "cn-bj2-02"
"RetCode": 0