Create mongos instance - CreateUDBRouteInstance
Create mongos instance
Public Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Action | string | Corresponding API command name, the current API is CreateUDBRouteInstance . | Yes |
PublicKey | string | The user’s public key can be obtained from Console  | Yes |
Signature | string | User signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature Algorithm | Yes |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Region | string | Region. See List of Regions and Availability Zones | Yes |
Zone | string | Availability Zone. See Availability Zone List | No |
ProjectId | string | Project ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, and the sub-account must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface. | No |
DBTypeId | string | DB type id, mongodb is subdivided by version into 1: mongodb-2.4, 2: mongodb-2.6, 3: mongodb-3.0, 4: mongodb-3.2 | Yes |
Name | string | Instance name, at least 6 characters | Yes |
Port | int | Port number, mongodb default 27017 | Yes |
ParamGroupId | int | Configuration parameter group id used by the DB instance | Yes |
MemoryLimit | int | Memory Limit (MB), currently supports the following levels 600M/1500M/3000M /6000M/15000M/30000M | Yes |
DiskSpace | int | Disk Space (GB), temporarily supports 20G - 500G | Yes |
ConfigsvrId.N | string | Configure the server’s dbid, allow one or three. | Yes |
ChargeType | string | Yearly, Monthly, Dynamic, Trial, Default: Monthly | No |
Quantity | int | Purchase duration, default value 1 | No |
UseSSD | boolean | Use SSD, default is true | No |
CouponId | string | ID of the voucher used | No |
Response Field
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
RetCode | int | Return status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure. | Yes |
Action | string | Operation command name. | Yes |
Message | string | Returns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero. | No |
DBId | string | db instance id | No |
Request Example
Response Example
"Action": "CreateUDBRouteInstanceResponse",
"DBId": "udb-xxxxx",
"RetCode": 0