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Obtain SSL Certificate Information - DescribeSSL


Obtain SSL certificate information, can only get the binding relationship between SSL certificate and traditional load balancer listener.


Public Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ActionstringCorresponding API command name, the current API is DescribeSSL.Yes
PublicKeystringThe user’s public key can be obtained from Console Yes
SignaturestringUser signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature AlgorithmYes

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RegionstringRegion. See List of Regions and Availability Zones Yes
ProjectIdstringProject ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, sub-accounts must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface .Yes
SSLIdstringId of SSL CertificateNo
LimitintData pagination value, default is 20No
OffsetintData offset, default value is 0No

Response Field

Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RetCodeintReturn status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure.Yes
ActionstringOperation command name.Yes
MessagestringReturns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero.No
TotalCountintTotal number of eligible SSL certificatesNo
DataSetarray[ULBSSLSet]Details of SSL Certificate, see the specific structure in ULBSSLSetNo

Data Model


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
SSLIdstringId of SSL CertificateNo
SSLNamestringName of the SSL CertificateNo
SSLTypestringSSL Certificate type, currently only Pem type is availableNo
SSLContentstringContent of the SSL CertificateNo
CreateTimeintCreation time of the SSL certificateNo
HashValuestringHASH value of SSL certificateNo
BindedTargetSetarray[SSLBindedTargetSet]Object bound to the SSL certificateNo
SSLSourceintSource of SSL Certificate, Source of SSL Certificate, 0 represents the certificate is from the ULB platform, 1 represents the certificate is from the USSL platform.No
USSLIdstringThe ID of the USSL Certificate Platform, only appears when SSLSource is 1.No
DomainsstringDomain name of the SSL Certificate platform, when there are multiple domain names, extended domain names are not displayed.No
NotBeforeintCertificate Issuance TimeNo
NotAfterintCertificate Expiration TimeNo


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
VServerIdstringResource ID of the VServer to which the SSL certificate is boundNo
VServerNamestringThe name of the corresponding VServerNo
ULBIdstringThe resource ID of the ULB instance to which the VServer belongsNo
ULBNamestringName of the ULB instanceNo


Request Example &Region=cn-bj2 &ProjectId=project-XXXXXX

Response Example

{ "Action": "DescribeSSLResponse", "DataSet ": [ { "CreateTime": 1418099063, "HashValue": "1d5da9cf215d7c0e7b41b85af8adac2b", "SSLContent": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "SSLId": "ssl-XXXXX", "SSLName": "testpem", "SSLType": "Pem", "VServerId": "" } ], "RetCode": 0, "TotalCount": 1 }