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Obtain global acceleration service configuration information - DescribeUGAInstance


Retrieve the configuration information of the global acceleration service. If an instance ID is specified, a single instance will be returned. If no instance ID is specified, records will be returned in descending order of creation time when pagination parameters are specified.


Public Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ActionstringCorresponding API command name, the current API is DescribeUGAInstance.Yes
PublicKeystringThe user’s public key can be obtained from ConsoleYes
SignaturestringUser signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature AlgorithmYes

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ProjectIdstringProject ID. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface.Yes
UGAIdstringAcceleration configuration instance ID, if the instance ID is passed, the record matching the instance ID will be returned; if not passed, all instances under ProjectId that meet the pagination requirements will be returned.No
LimitintThe maximum number of returned items, default is 100, maximum value is 400No
OffsetintOffset, default is 0No

Response Field

Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RetCodeintReturn status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure.Yes
ActionstringOperation command name.Yes
MessagestringReturns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero.No
UGAListarray[UGAAInfo]Global Acceleration Instance Information ListNo
TotalCountintTotal number of matchesNo

Data Model


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
UGAIdstringAcceleration Configuration Instance IDYes
CNamestringFor accelerated domain names, please configure the CName record value of your business domain name as the accelerated domain name in the acceleration region.Yes
UGANamestringAcceleration Configuration NameYes
IPListarray[string]List of source station IPs, multiple values separated by a comma.No
DomainstringSource DomainNo
LocationstringThe region where the source station is located, the acceleration instance will automatically set this value after binding the line. On the console page, this value can filter the upath instances that the acceleration instance can bind. Note: Missing this value will cause the line to be unmodifiable on the console.No
UPathSetarray[UPathSet]Bound Acceleration LineNo
TaskSetarray[UGAATask]Port Configuration Information (No longer maintained, it is recommended to use ForwarderSet)No
L4ForwarderSetarray[UGAL4Forwarder]Configuration of UGA 4-layer forwarder, recording access or return port, access or return protocol informationNo
L7ForwarderSetarray[UGAL7Forwarder]Configuration of UGA 7-layer forwarder, recording the port for access or back-to-source, and the protocol information for access or back-to-source. If a certificate is bound, the certificate ID will be returned.No
OutPublicIpListarray[OutPublicIpInfo]Exit IP Address of the LineNo


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
PortintAccess PortYes
ProtocolstringForwarding protocol, enumeration values [“TCP”, “UDP”, “HTTPHTTP”, “HTTPSHTTP”, “HTTPSHTTPS”]. TCP and UDP represent layer 4 forwarding, the rest are layer 7 forwarding.Yes


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
PortintAccess PortYes
ProtocolstringForwarding protocol, enumeration values [“TCP”, “UDP”, “HTTPHTTP”, “HTTPSHTTP”, “HTTPSHTTPS”]. TCP and UDP represent layer 4 forwarding, the rest are layer 7 forwarding.Yes
RSPortintRSPort, Source Station Listening PortYes


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
PortintAccess PortYes
ProtocolstringForwarding protocol, enumeration values [“TCP”, “UDP”, “HTTPHTTP”, “HTTPSHTTP”, “HTTPSHTTPS”]. TCP and UDP represent layer 4 forwarding, the rest are layer 7 forwarding.Yes
RSPortintRSPort, Source Station Listening PortYes
SSLIdstringCertificate IDNo
SSLNamestringCertificate NameNo


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
IPstringLine Back-to-Source Node EIPNo
AreastringBack-to-source node data center codeNo


Request Example &ProjectId=org-xxxx &UGAId=uga-5ygl0d &Limit=10 &Offset=0

Response Example

{ "Action": "DescribeUGAInstanceResponse", "Message": "", "RetCode": 0, "TotalCount": 1, "UGAList": [ { "CName": "", "Domain": "", "IPList": [ "" ], "L4ForwarderSet": [ { "Port": 443, "Protocol": "TCP", "RSPort": 443 } ], "L7ForwarderSet": [], "Location": "北美", "OutPublicIpList": [ { "Area": "us-ca", "IP": "" }, { "Area": "us-ca", "IP": "" }, { "Area": "us-ca", "IP": "" }, { "Area": "us-ca", "IP": "" }, { "Area": "us-ca", "IP": "" }, { "Area": "us-ca", "IP": "" } ], "TaskSet": [ { "Port": 443, "Protocol": "TCP", "RSPort": 0 } ], "UGAId": "uga-5ygl0d", "UGAName": "github加速", "UPathSet": [ { "Bandwidth": 1, "LineFrom": "cn-gd", "LineFromName": "中国(多地)", "LineId": "line_cn-us-ca", "LineTo": "us-ca", "LineToName": "洛杉矶", "UPathId": "upath-xcacoz", "UPathName": "中美加速" } ] } ] }