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Console GuideStorage Space

Storage Space

US3 Object Storage Service uploads data files as objects into the storage space (bucket). If you need to use US3 services to store files, you need to create a storage space first.

Creating a Storage Space

On the space management page, click “Create Storage Space” in the operation bar in the upper left corner.


On the “Create Storage Space” pop-up page, you can customize the storage region, space type, business group, storage space domain name, and choose whether to authorize the opening of data analysis.


Choose RegionYou can choose a nearby region as the physical storage location of file objects in the storage space. The storage space cannot be replaced after it is created. If you need to access US3 object storage through UHost cloud host intranet, you need to choose the region same as your UHost node.
Space TypePublic space: All files can be accessed directly through the URL.
Private space: All files need to be authorized by the owner’s API key to access, and it supports building temporary URLs for user access through the key.
Business GroupYou can choose or create a business group to classify the storage space by business group for easy querying.
Storage Space Domain NameFill in the domain name associated with the storage space as the outward access address. Since the storage space domain name is globally unique, please change the name in case of conflict.

After confirmation, the storage space is successfully created. Once the storage space is created, users can download the client management tool for space and file management operations from the console SDK and tool page, and can also use API or SDK for space and file management operations.

Deleting a Storage Space

Select a specific storage space and click “Delete Storage Space” in the operation bar on the right.


If you need to batch delete, select multiple storage spaces and then click “Delete Storage Space” in the operation bar in the upper left corner.


Viewing a Storage Space

On the storage space list page, you can view the basic information of the storage space, such as storage space domain name, region, space type, creation time, etc.


Storage Space Domain NameThe domain name associated with the storage space serves as the outward access address.
RegionThe physical storage location of file objects in the storage space. The storage space cannot be replaced after it is created. If you need to access US3 object storage through UHost cloud host intranet, you need to choose the region that is the same as your UHost node.
Business GroupThe name of the business group where the storage space is located.
Space TypePublic space: All files can be accessed directly through the URL.
Private space: All files need to be authorized by the owner’s API key to access, and it supports building temporary URLs for user access through the key.
Creation TimeThe creation time of the storage space.

Click on the storage space name or click “Details” in the side operation bar to enter the storage space details page to view basic information and monitoring information.

Modifying the Storage Type

Select a specific storage space and click “Modify Space Type” in the operation on the right.


Space TypeDescription
Public SpacePublic read private write, i.e., all files can be accessed directly through the URL without carrying signature information (including image processing), other operations such as pulling a list, deleting, overwriting operations need to carry signature information.
Private SpacePrivate read and write, i.e., all file and list operations must carry signature information.

Note: Due to policy restrictions, personal users cannot create public spaces overseas. If you need to use it, please upgrade to a certified enterprise user.