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Monitoring Agent

If users need to view cloud server metrics on the UCloud Global cloud platform monitoring system, they must correctly install the monitoring components on the UCloud Global cloud server. Installing the monitoring components on the cloud host will enable better collaboration between resources and the cloud platform monitoring system, expanding the depth of resource monitoring and enriching monitoring metrics (e.g., memory, disk space, processes, etc.).

1. Supported System Image Versions

System ImageSupported Image VersionsRemarks
CentOS8.4 64bit
8.3 64bit
8.2 64bit
8.0 64bit
7.9 64bit
7.8 64bit
7.6 64bit
7.5 64bit
7.4 64bit
7.3 64bit
7.2 64bit
6.10 64bit
6.9 64bit
6.5 64bit
6.4 64bit
Ubuntu24.04 64bit
22.04 64bit
20.04 64bit
18.04 64bit
16.04 64bit
14.04 64bit
Debian11.7 64bit
10.0 64bit
Rocky9.1 64bit
8.5 64bit
RedHat7.9 64bit
7.6 64bit
6.6 64bit

2. Linux Installation

1. Preparation

Log in to the Cloud Host Console: First, you need to log in to the cloud host console.

1.1 Select Installation Method:

Currently, the installation is manual, through manually downloading the UboltAgent installation package.

1.2 Configure Network:

To ensure the monitoring data is reported correctly, the user’s cloud host operating system must allow the TCP protocol on port 8088.


- Installing the new version of UboltAgent will uninstall the old python version, uma.

- The installation process must be carried out in the internal network environment of the UCloud Global cloud host.

- Check the SELinux status. If it is not in disabled mode, you need to set SELinux to disabled mode. Please edit the /etc/selinux/config file and change SELINUX=disabled, then restart the server for the changes to take effect.

2. Linux System Installation Steps

2.1 Log in to the Cloud Host as the root user

  • The installation process requires logging in to the cloud host as the root user.

2.2 Download the Monitoring Component (using the wget command as an example)



  • Before downloading the monitoring component via the internal network, please log in to the Linux instance and execute the command. Ensure that the cloud server is using an internal DNS, otherwise the download address for the monitoring component cannot be resolved.


  1. To install the monitoring component, execute the following commands.
  • Extract the installation package:
mkdir uboltagent tar -zxvf uboltagent_v2.2.13_install.tar.gz -C uboltagent >/var/log/uboltagent_install.log 2>&1
  • Grant execute permission to the management script:
cd uboltagent chmod a+x
  • Install:

    Execute the installation script to install

./ install

If an error occurs during installation, you can check the detailed log in /var/log/uboltagent_install.log.

  • Verify:
  1. Check whether the UboltAgent process is started, execute the following command:
ps -ef | grep uboltagent

If the result is as shown in the image, it means the UboltAgent process has started normally, indicating that UboltAgent has been successfully installed.

Image text

  1. Check the status of the UboltAgent service, execute the following command:
service uboltagent status or systemctl status uboltagent

If the result is as shown in the image, it means the UboltAgent service is running normally.

  1. Go to Cloud Monitoring > CloudWatch > Product Monitoring > Click Resource Details.

2.3 Uninstall

  1. Execute the following command to uninstall UboltAgent.
./ uninstall
  1. Execute the following command to check whether the UboltAgent process has stopped. If the UboltAgent process does not exist, it means the uninstallation was successful.
ps -ef | grep uboltagent

3. Notes

  1. Firewall and Security Groups: Ensure that the firewall and security group settings allow the cloud host to access the monitoring server’s address.
  2. UboltAgent Version: Ensure that the downloaded UboltAgent version is compatible with your cloud host’s operating system version.
  3. Updates and Upgrades: Regularly check and update the monitoring UboltAgent to ensure you have the latest features and security fixes.
  4. Documentation and Resources: If you encounter issues during installation, review the installation logs for details or contact technical support.