Identity Verification
After purchasing the certificate, you must complete the information to finish the certificate application.
DV Type Certificate
The verification method can be either DNS verification or file upload.
DNS Verification
Verification Type: DNS
Record Type: CNAME
Bound Domain Name: The domain name filled in when completing the information is shown
CNAME Host Record: The unique CNAME host record returned based on the domain name.
CNAME Record Value: The unique CNAME record value returned based on the domain name. Please add the CNAME record to your DNS service provider as soon as possible.
Add the host record to DNS service providers such as DNSPOD
File Verification
1, Create a file: The file verification method generally requires your site administrator to operate, first create C5704CE6BB76F223420F371E8346A609.txt, and paste the verification file content into the file for saving.
2, Create a directory: Create a subdirectory of .well-known/pki-validation in the root directory of the site. Note that the first-tier directory is a hidden directory with a dot. The command in Windows is: m”.well-known”. Put the created file in this sub-directory; if your site cannot create a hidden directory for some reason, choose other DNS verification method.
3, Configuration Detection
The domain+ is your domain file, and the content should not end with a return or newline character. File verification does not support any form of redirection, it needs to directly respond to the 200 status code and file content.
Resolution Check
Manual Resolution: Manual resolution can help customers verify if the added resolution is correct
Local client shell command verification, nslookup -q=CNAME file record. primary domain
For certificate revocation orders using txt verification, use the command nslookup -q=TXT Host record. primary domain
OV / EV Type Certificate
We need you to fill out a confirmation letter and upload it to us for manual audit and certificate distribution.
1. Download the confirmation letter
2. Fill out the confirmation letter
3. Print and stamp the confirmation letter,
4. We will process your approval as soon as possible
5. Once the approval is passed, you can download the certificate. We will notify the applicant by SMS and email.