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Operation GuideSmart Gateway Installation Notes

Hardware Installation Instructions

Key Explanation:

IdentifierUse Description
DC 12VPower port, used to connect the power cord
USBUSB interface, can connect the keyboard for device debugging
CONSOLEConsole port, can connect console cable for device debugging
No.0 Network PortWAN0, optical and electrical port are in the same port, used to connect the router to ensure network for the smart gateway
No.1 Network PortWAN1, optical and electrical port are in the same port, used to connect the router to ensure network for the smart gateway
No.2 Network PortLAN0, used to connect to the client (computer, switch), and connects the clients to the smart gateway
No.3 Network PortLAN1, used to connect to the client (computer, switch), and connects the clients to the smart gateway
No.4 Network PortLAN2, used to connect to the client (computer, switch), and connects the clients to the smart gateway
No.5 Network PortLAN3, used to connect to the client (computer, switch), and connects the clients to the smart gateway
Antenna PostUsed to install Wi-Fi antenna (If the hardware is without Wi-Fi version, there is no need for installation)
  1. Check that the parts are complete. For part details, please see Hardware Parameters.
  2. Connect the WAN port (this article takes the No.0 network port as an example) to the router, LAN to the client, and then turn on the power.
  3. If the hardware is UCPE3601, you need to install an antenna.