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Uninstall File System (Windows)


Step One, Check Mount Information

  1. Use the mount command on a windows cloud host to view the mounting status of the NFS file system.

Step Two, Uninstall File System

  1. Use the following command to uninstall the NFS file system.

    umount Z:

    Please replace the disk identifier Z: in the instance with the actual mounted file path.

  2. If you have set up automatic mounting tasks, you need to delete the corresponding script and mounted tasks.
    a. Delete the mount script, the default script path: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\auto_mount.bat.

    b. Delete the mounted task: Open the Control Panel, click on System and Security, and choose Scheduled Tasks. Click on Task Scheduler Library, select the plan for automatically mounting the NFS file system, and click Delete.


  1. Use the net use command on a windows cloud host to view the mounting status of the SMB file system.

  2. Use the following command to uninstall the SMB file system

    net use Z: /delete