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Product IntroductionProduct Limitations

Product Limits

Supported Regions

RegionRSSD Cloud DiskSSD Cloud DiskOrdinary Cloud Disk
North China Zone BSupportedSupportedSupported
North China Zone CSupportedSupportedSupported
North China Zone DNot SupportedSupportedSupported
North China Zone ESupportedSupportedSupported
Ulanqab Zone ASupportedSupportedNot Supported
Shanghai Zone ANot SupportedSupportedSupported
Shanghai Zone ASupportedSupportedSupported
Shanghai Zone BNot SupportedSupportedSupported
Shanghai Zone CNot SupportedSupportedSupported
Guangzhou Zone BSupportedSupportedSupported
Hong Kong Zone ANot SupportedSupportedSupported
Hong Kong Zone BSupportedSupportedSupported
Washington Zone ANot SupportedSupportedSupported
Singapore Zone ANot SupportedSupportedSupported
Singapore Zone BSupportedSupportedNot Supported
Taipei Zone ASupportedSupportedSupported
Jakarta Zone ASupportedSupportedSupported
Seoul Zone ASupportedSupportedSupported
Los Angeles Zone ASupportedSupportedSupported
Ho Chi Minh Zone ASupportedSupportedSupported
Tokyo Zone ASupportedSupportedNot Supported
Frankfurt Zone ANot SupportedSupportedNot Supported
Bangkok Zone BSupportedSupportedNot Supported
Mumbai Zone ANot SupportedSupportedNot Supported
Lagos Zone ASupportedSupportedNot Supported
Manila Zone ASupportedNot SupportedNot Supported
UK London Zone ASupportedSupportedNot Supported

Note: The maximum support for SSD cloud disk is 8T, the maximum support for normal cloud disk is 8T, and the maximum support for RSSD cloud disk is 32T.

Single Account Quota

1000 blocks

Limits on Mounting Cloud Disks on a Single Cloud Host

A single cloud host can mount up to 26 cloud disks.

Cloud Disk Arrears Recovery Policy

Cloud disk billing modes are divided into: annually, monthly, hourly.

If arrears are not paid for 10 days, the cloud disk will be automatically deleted.


  1. After automatic deletion, the data cannot be recovered.