Product Introduction
Product Advantages

Product Advantages

Highly Compatible with MySQL

In most cases, you can easily migrate from MySQL to TiDB without modifying the code, and the MySQL cluster after sharding can also be migrated in real-time through TiDB tools.

Dynamic Expansion

The horizontal expansion of TiDB can be achieved by simply adding new nodes, which can expand throughput or storage as needed, and easily deal with high concurrency and massive data scenarios.

Distributed Transactions

TiDB 100% supports standard ACID transactions.


Provide a one-stop solution for online transaction processing and online analytical processing, without the need to independently deploy analytical processing systems.

Truly Financial-grade High Availability

Compared to the traditional Master-Slave (M-S) replication scheme, the Raft-based majority election protocol can provide a 100% financial-grade strong data consistency guarantee and could achieve automatic failure recovery (auto-failover) without human intervention under the premise that most replicas are not lost.