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Product IntroductionScope of Support

Scope of Support

Supported Types of Databases

(1) Relational databases: Sqlserver, oracle, Sybase, DB2, Informix, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, XUGU

(2) Chinese databases: Dameng, Inspur JinKuang, ShenTong, NUDT TongYong

(3) Post-relational databases: Caché DB

(4) Memory databases: HANA, Redis

(5) Big data databases: RECORD_HIVE, SPARK_JAVA_API, Hive, HIVE_HSQL, Record_Hive, ES, GaussDB (Huawei Gauss), LibrA, HBASE_SHELL, Solr, MongoDB

(6) Industrial control real-time databases: IP21_API, IP21_APIIP21_WEBSERVICE

(7) Special cloud databases: Aliyun_PostgreSQL-current version doesn’t support, RDS


Cloud database audits only support the audit function, and do not support the command blocking function; and it is necessary to deploy an agent on the application service client that accesses the database.

Agent: Forward the database protocol traffic to the audit end, so as to carry out audit operations, support configuration and diversion on multiple audit objects at the same time

Browser Compatibility

This system adopts B/S architecture, supports IE10 and above browsers, Chrome browser, Firefox browser. To ensure a good browsing experience, it is recommended to use the Chrome browser.