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Operation GuideOpen APICreate VPC Authorization

VPC Authorization Management

VPC is a user proprietary network, for how to create VPC, please refer to Creating VPC Authorization. VPC authorization is the user agreeing to connect a certain ULB / UHOST instance to VPC, UAPIGateway will proxy to the backend instance through the VPC network. Note that only the intranet mode is supported for ULB instances, and the input instance port must be accessible.

Connecting VPC to ULB can achieve load balancing capabilities. For example, create an intranet ULB, and hang a series of service nodes on the VServer. The traffic will be routed by the API gateway and reach the port of the VServer defined in the ULB through the VPC channel, and then reach the backend service according to the VServer forwarding configuration you defined.

> Note that VPC channels only support TCP type VServer forwarding

Creating a VPC Authorization

  • In the VPC authorization menu page, click “Create VPC Authorization”, enter the “Authorization Name”, “Authorization Description”, select the VPC instance you need to authorize, and then select the ULB / UHost instance, enter the forward port.
  • If the resource type you are using is ULB, the port number here is the port number in VServer. If you are using UHost, you need to listen to the port on the host and open this port in the firewall.

Once a VPC authorization is created, it cannot be edited