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FAQsAPI gateway error code definition

API Gateway Error Code Definition

When an API call exception occurs, please find the corresponding error according to the HTTP Code and X-Gw-Message in the response header

MessageHTTP Status CodeMeaning
API not found error400API does not exist or has not been published to the designated environment
Parameter error in API request400Request parameter error
API authentication error400API authentication error
Blocked for unpaied order400There are unpaid bills
Request body is too large413Request body is too large
URI is too Long414URI is too long
Too many requests429API Traffic exceeds the limit threshold
Quota is not enough429APP authorization quota is insufficient
API exceeds ratelimit for vpc429API traffic exceeds VPC quota
Request header is too large494Request is too large
SSL certificate error495SSL certificate verification error
Upstream service unavailable502Back-end service is unavailable
Response body is too large502Response body is too large
Response header is too large502The response header is too large