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To help you better understand UK8S, it’s important to have a general grasp of key Kubernetes components. This article provides a brief introduction to these fundamental concepts. For more detailed information, please refer to the Kubernetes official documentation

Kubernetes Basic Architecture

The Kubernetes architecture encompasses various components, including the ApiServer, Master, Node, and Hub (image repository). Below is a brief overview of each:

ApiServer: The ApiServer is the only entrance for operating the cluster, providing mechanisms such as authentication, authorization, access control, API registration, and discovery. The ApiServer runs on the Master as a component.

Node: As the work node of Kubernetes, nodes contain the services required to run Pods. Nodes can be virtual machines or physical machines. In UK8S, only virtual machines, namely UHosts, are currently supported.

Master: The Master is also the worke node of Kubernetes but differs from regular Nodes. It typically does not run business Pods. Instead, it hosts components that control and manage the cluster, including the ApiServer, Scheduler, Controller Manager, Cloud Controller Manager, ETCD, etc.

Hub Image Repository The Hub provides management, storage, and distribution capabilities for Docker images.