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User GuideReal-time MonitoringTraffic Package Details

Traffic Package Details

In the real-time monitoring page, the current charging mode will be displayed.

When the charging mode is Prepaid Traffic Package, the remaining traffic of each prepaid traffic package will be displayed, and the entrance to the traffic package details page will only appear when the charging mode is Prepaid Traffic Package.

Clicking on [Traffic Package Details] will redirect to the details page

The Traffic Package Details mainly display traffic detail information, including activated traffic packages and traffic packages that became invalid within one year.

The traffic package status and descriptions are as follows:

Not usedDisplayed on the page with valid traffic packages, the traffic package has been purchased but not yet used, if the purchase date has not exceeded 30 days, it can be cancelled
In useDisplayed on the page with valid traffic packages, the traffic package currently in use
Used upDisplayed on the expired traffic package page, indicating that the current traffic package has been used up
ExpiredDisplayed on the expired traffic package page, indicating that the current traffic package has expired, if there is remaining traffic, it cannot be used
CancelledDisplayed on the expired traffic package page, mainly for traffic packages cancelled after not being used, the status is displayed as cancelled

1、Under what circumstances can traffic packages be cancelled?
A: If the purchased traffic package has not been used, it supports 30-day no-reason cancellation.

2、Why is there a traffic package type of “post-paid daily”?
A: When the traffic package is used up, the system won’t stop the CDN service. This will generate excess traffic. The excess traffic will be offset by a traffic package order on the next day. The type of traffic package generated at this time is: post-paid daily.

3、How often will the traffic package usage be updated?
A: The data will be updated once a day at around 12 o’clock after the previous day’s usage has been settled, but the remaining traffic data on the real-time monitoring is refreshed in real-time, so there will be differences between the remaining traffic in the traffic package details and the real-time monitoring.

4、Why are there traffic packages with valid period and unlimited period, and which one has a higher usage priority than a traffic package with a one-year validity period?
A1: Traffic packages purchased before October 1, 2022 are unlimited traffic packages, and traffic packages purchased after October 1, 2022 are traffic packages with a validity period of 1 year.
A2: If both one-year validity period and unlimited traffic packages exist at the same time, the unlimited packages have the usage priority.

5、What is the base rate for traffic?
A: The base rate for traffic is 1024, while it is 1000 for bandwidth

6、How will the system deduct the traffic used if I have purchased overseas traffic packages and regional traffic packages?
A: Traffic package deduction method: it is deducted according to the expiration date of the traffic package. If the remaining traffic is not enough to offset the used traffic, the system will automatically purchase regional traffic packages for deduction.