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Product PricingBilling FAQ

Billing FAQ

Explanation of Account Arrears:

  1. When you have not paid a CDN service bill or the amount in the account is not sufficient, the service is in arrears.

  2. When you are on the [prepaid traffic package] billing model, if you use more than the purchased traffic and do not buy a new traffic package, daily traffic orders will be generated. If your account balance is insufficient to pay the order for three consecutive days, the CDN will stop accelerating.

  3. If there is a situation of arrears, the recharge will first offset the arrears; After CDN acceleration stops, you can continue to buy traffic packages and restart the acceleration on the console after paying off the arrears.

  4. When you are in the [postpaid daily bandwidth peak] billing model, if your account balance is insufficient to pay the order for three consecutive days, CDN will stop accelerating.

Cost warning prompt:

*The reminder method and contact information can be configured in the message subscription function of UMon monitoring

  1. When you are on the [prepaid traffic package] billing model, the system will judge whether the prepaid traffic package is sufficient for CDN service to continue for 3 days based on the average traffic used by CDN service in the recent 10 days. If it is insufficient, a reminder will be given, and there will be no reminder after the traffic is 0.

  2. When your CDN usage exceeds the traffic package you purchased in advance, the system will give a reminder when settling daily.

  3. When your account balance is insufficient to pay the order for the day, a reminder will be given.

  4. After being overdue for three consecutive days, CDN will stop accelerating and switch back to the original traffic, and a reminder will be given.

Change of Billing Method:

You can switch between prepaid traffic billing and daily peak bandwidth billing.

The switch of the billing method will take effect at 0:00 the next day, and multiple changes can be made before that, with the last one being the standard.

When switching from traffic to bandwidth billing mode, the purchased traffic will still be retained after the switch, and there will be no refund operation.

When switching from bandwidth to traffic billing mode, the previously purchased traffic will be restored.

Operational Steps:

Click the drop-down button in the [current billing mode] to check another billing method for switching.

Difference between Billing Traffic and Log Monitoring Traffic:

During the network transmission of CDN acceleration service, due to the TCP/IP packet header and TCP retransmission, there is about 10%-15% network consumption based on the original traffic (total log traffic). We take the average value of 10% as the network consumption statistic.

Overseas HTTPS billing instructions:

  • Opening overseas HTTPS needs to charge a certificate deployment fee, for specific prices, please consult the customer manager

  • Certificate deployment fees can be reused. When multiple acceleration domains are configured with overseas HTTPS, if they all use this certificate, there will be no duplicate billing.

  • If the accelerating domain is no longer in use, please contact technical support to stop billing to avoid additional charges. Even if the domain is in a stopped acceleration state, it will continue to becharged.

** Explanation of Bill Ownership Project: **

  • Prepaid orders are placed according to the initiated project,

  • Postpaid orders are user-granularity orders and will be placed in the default project.

*For example: The customer’s default project is Project A, the user purchases a prepaid traffic package in Project B, then the traffic package will be placed in Project B; When the traffic package is used up and becomes postpaid, the background will calculate the fee according to the user’s usage level, and the generated order will be placed in the default Project A.

  • If you have other CDN order needs, please contact technical support or customer manager.

Instructions for use of overseas unified prepaid traffic package and overseas regional traffic package

  • Traffic package deduction method: Deduction according to the expiration date of the traffic package.

  • Deduction rule (after the traffic package is used up): If the remaining traffic is not enough to offset the used traffic, the system will automatically purchase regional traffic package for deduction.