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User GuideDomain ConfigurationDomain Basic Information

Basic Information

Entering the 【Details】 page, it will first display the basic information related to the domain name and the configuration corresponding to the acceleration area.

Basic Information

The basic information module displays the following content related to the domain name:

Parameter NameParameter ExampleParameter Description
Accelerated acceleration domain, cannot be modified
Resource IDucdn-85hy39mvlg2Unique domain name ID, cannot be modified
Business GroupUngroupedCan group domain names, can be modified
TypeVideo on DemandIndicates the acceleration type of the domain name, the cache strategies corresponding to different acceleration types are different, cannot be modified
CDN domain for domain name binding resolution, for specific usage, refer to Configure CNAME
Sourcetest.src.comBack-to-source domain name/IP, if need to modify, adjust on the domain name configuration page.
Test URL detecting the quality of back-to-source, fill in when adding a new domain name, cannot be modified
Acceleration AreaAllNode coverage area, if need to adjust, please contact technical support or customer manager
Alert TemplateNo AlertsIf you need to monitor the quality of domain name service, you can bind alert templates, alert settings are under the Umon product, you will receive alerts when the setting threshold is exceeded, for specific configuration, refer to Alert template configuration

Alert Template Configuration

Select the alert template under the basic information.

If no template is set, click modify, a default CDN alert template will be displayed, you can use this template or customize your template, for creating or editing templates, please go to the alert template list.

View, create, and edit templates in the Umon template list page, multiple product alert templates will be displayed here, you can create a CDN template or edit the CDN alert template.

Creating a CDN alert template

Type selection: CDN, and the monitoring rules and thresholds can be imported from an existing template, and the template name can be customized.

Editing a CDN alert template

After creating the template, you need to edit the monitoring rules and thresholds of the alert template, the currently supported monitoring rules are as follows:

Monitoring ObjectDescription
Total traffic for the day (GB)Total traffic used since 0 o’clock
Bandwidth (Mb/s)Peak bandwidth of 5-minute granularity
Return to source bandwidth (Mb/s)Peak return to source bandwidth of 5-minute granularity
Return code 5xx ratio (%)Node returns 5XX status code / Node returns all status codes X100%
Hit rate (%)HIT hits request counts / total request counts X100%
Return code 4xx ratio (%)Node returns 4XX status code / Node returns all status codes X100%

You can add monitoring rules and set appropriate alert thresholds according to your business situation and needs

All alerts are defaulted to the default notification group by default, and the default notification group is the phone number and email provided when registering an account.

Notification Group Configuration

On the resource monitoring page, the notification manager can set the notification group/notification person information

By default there’s a default group and a default contact person, you can add or modify the notification person in manage notifications, add or manage notification group information in manage notification groups. This facilitates calling in setting alarm templates.

HTTPS Configuration

You can configure regional HTTPS deployment, where the use of foreign HTTPS needs to pay for HTTPS request counts, the cost details CDN Foreign HTTPS Request Counts Charge