Best Practices for Large AI Models
Rapid Deployment of ChatGLM-6B Model

Quick Deployment of ChatGLM-6B Model


ChatGLM-6B is an open-source chatbot released by the Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining Group of Tsinghua University. According to the official introduction, this is a language model of 100 billion parameters in Chinese and English that has been optimized for Chinese. The open-sourced version is a smaller-scale version with 6 billion parameters, approximately 6 billion parameters. The base model of this model is GLM (GLM: General Language Model Pretraining with Autoregressive Blank Infilling), which is a base model with 100 billion parameters.

Quick Deployment

Log into the UCloud Global console (, select the machine type “GPU type”, “V100S”, and choose the specific configuration of CPU and GPU cores as needed.

Minimum recommended configuration: 10-core CPU 32G memory 1 V100S.
Choose “Image Market” for the image, search for “ChatGLM-6B” by image name, and select this image to create GPU cloud host.
After the GPU cloud host is successfully created, log in to the GPU cloud host.

The pre-installed image we provide contains the following information:

  1. Local model address
  2. Running local chatbot
  3. Running web chatbot
  4. Tuning the model with ADGEN dataset