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Mount File System (Linux)

Step One, Install Client

For the installation of the client, please refer to UPFS Client Install.

Step Two, Mount File System

  • If the operation system of mounted cloud host is Ubuntu, the sudo command must be used to mount. Before mounting again, the <resource_id>.sock and <resource_id>.sock.lock files in the /var/tmp dir need to be deleted.

    sudo mount -t upfs <mount_address1>,<mount_address2>/<resource_id> /path/to/mount
  • If the operation system of mounted cloud host is not Ubuntu, use the following command to mount the file system:

    mount -t upfs <mount_address1>,<mount_address2>/<resource_id> /path/to/mount

    The command line syntax explanation is as follows:

    Command Line ArgumentsExplanation
    mountKeyword of Mount command
    -t upfsSpecifies that the type of the file system to mount is UPFS
    <mount_address1>,<mount_address2>/<resource_id>File system URL obtained from the UCloud Global console page (For detailed URL rules, see the File System URL section in Fundamental Concepts)
    /path/to/mountThe local path to mount to, ensure this dir isn’t mounted by other file systems

    In addition, you can add extra options with -o during mounting (options are separated by commas). Here are all the optional items:

    Option NameDescription
    roRead-only mode
    rwRead-write mode


    mount -t upfs, /mnt -o ro

Step Three, Check Mount Status

Execute the command df -h to check the status of the mounted file system. If the mount is successful, you will see the UPFS entry for the resource ID, the usage, mount point, and other information.

If there is a problem with mounting the file system, please contact UCloud Global technical support in time.