Pre-set Plugins
UES provides a plug-in mechanism. At present, the following common plugins are built into our UES service and do not support users to upload and install plugins themselves.
Analysis Plugins
- analysis-ik
IK is a commonly used Chinese segmentation plugin. It’s important to note that the Chinese analysis provided by IK is only effective for newly generated indexes with IK specified as the analyzer, and is ineffective for previously created indexes.
- analysis-pinyin
Pinyin analysis plugin, used to convert between Chinese characters and Pinyin.
- analysis-icu
A tokenization plugin for Asian languages implemented using ICU.
- analysis-kuromoji
A Japanese tokenization plugin implemented using the Kuromoji analyzer.
- analysis-smartcn
A tokenizer plugin for Chinese text or mixed text of Chinese and English.
- analysis-ukrainian
Provides stemming for Ukrainian.
Ingest Plugins
- ingest-attachment
A plugin that uses Apache Tika to parse documents such as PPT, XLS, PDF, and Microsoft Word.
- ingest-geoip
The GeoIP processor adds information about the location of an IP address based on data from the Maxmind database. This processor defaults to adding this information under the geographic field. The geographic processor can parse both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
- ingest-user-agent
This plugin uses regexes.yaml provided by uap-java with an Apache 2.0 license by default. The plugin’s processor extracts detailed information about its web request from the user-agent string sent by the browser. This processor defaults to adding this information under the user_agent field.
Elasticsearch Head
elasticsearch-head is a commonly used cluster management tool.
The official ES no longer provides direct installation of the head plugin in versions above 5.0. The built-in head plugin runs as an independent project, and the default port of the head plugin is 9100.
It allows users to query and analyze data stored in Elasticsearch using SQL-like syntax.
Basic Usage
* Simple query
/_sql?sql=select * from indexName limit 10
* Explain SQL to elasticsearch query DSL
/_sql/_explain?sql=select * from indexName limit 10
SQL Usage
* Query
SELECT * FROM bank WHERE age > 30 AND gender = 'm'
* Aggregation
select COUNT(*),SUM(age),MIN(age) as m, MAX(age),AVG(age) FROM bank GROUP BY gender ORDER BY SUM(age), m DESC
* Delete
DELETE FROM bank WHERE age > 30 AND gender = 'm'
Beyond sql
* Search
SELECT address FROM bank WHERE address = matchQuery('880 Holmes Lane') ORDER BY _score DESC LIMIT 3
* Aggregations
# range age group 20-25,25-30,30-35,35-40
SELECT COUNT(age) FROM bank GROUP BY range(age, 20,25,30,35,40)
# range date group by day
SELECT online FROM online GROUP BY date_histogram(field='insert_time','interval'='1d')
# range date group by your config
SELECT online FROM online GROUP BY date_range(field='insert_time','format'='yyyy-MM-dd' ,'2014-08-18','2014-08-17','now-8d','now-7d','now-6d','now')
* ES Geographic
SELECT * FROM locations WHERE GEO_BOUNDING_BOX(fieldname,100.0,1.0,101,0.0)
* Select type
SELECT * FROM indexName/type
This plugin uses an open source project, Reference Link
Snapshot/Restore Repository Plugins
- Hadoop HDFS Repository Plugin
This plugin is built against the latest Apache Hadoop 2.x and provides support for using the HDFS filesystem as a Snapshot/Restore repository.