

Can I modify the subnet after the VPC is created successfully?

The created subnet cannot be modified, but you can continue to add subnets. It is recommended to choose a smaller subnet when creating a VPC to prevent subsequent VPC connections and other scenarios from being unable to operate due to subnet reasons.

Can the subnet be modified after it is successfully created?

Once the subnet is created successfully, the network segment cannot be modified.

How to delete a subnet of associated resources?

You need to delete all the cloud resources in this subnet before you can delete the subnet.

What is the method for the cloud host to access the internet if the subnet where a cloud host is located is bound to a NAT gateway, and the cloud host is also bound to an EIP?

Hosts bound with EIP will prioritize accessing the internet via EIP, not through the NAT gateway.

Does the NAT gateway currently support binding multiple subnets?

The NAT gateway supports multiple subnets within the same region and VPC.

How many cloud resources can each private network support?

The number of cloud resources is related to the size of the subnet mask in your private network, and no additional restrictions will be imposed.

What are the current public service network segments?

Public services are seen in public service segments across all regions.