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Operation GuideMonitor ViewMetrics Description

Explanation of Monitoring Metrics

Category of Monitoring MetricsMonitoring MetricsExplanation
Kafka MetricsIncoming Message Rate (Per/s)It is the rate of messages (per/s) covering all topics, averaged over one minute.
:::Incoming Data Rate (B/s)It is the rate of incoming data (B/s) covering all topics, averaged over one minute.
:::Outgoing Data Rate (B/s)It is the rate of outgoing data (B/s) covering all topics, averaged over one minute.
:::Failed Consumer Requests (Per/s)It is the number of failed requests by consumers, averaged over one minute.
:::Failed Producer Requests (Per/s)It is the number of failed requests by producers, averaged over one minute.
:::Message Rejected by Broker (B/s)It is the amount of messages rejected by broker, averaged over one minute.
:::Leader Election Speed (ms)It is the speed at which a leader is elected when the Broker is down. The election should be completed in as short a time as possible by the cluster.
:::Number of Live Controllers (N)At the same time, there can only be one controller in the cluster at most. It is same to the following metric of the number of management nodes (N).
:::Producer Request Response Time (ms)It is the average response time of the producer.
:::Producer QPS (Per/s)It is the QPS of the producer, averaged over one minute.
:::Consumer Request Response Time (ms)It is the average response time of the consumer.
:::Consumer QPS (Per/s)It is the QPS of the consumer, averaged over one minute.
:::Number of Live Kafka Nodes (N)It is the number of live nodes in the cluster, which should be same to the number of cluster nodes.
:::Maximum Message Lag Between Follower and Leader (N)It is the maximum number of messages follower lag behind leader replica.
:::Total Number of Partitions on This Node (N)It is the total number of partitions on this node.
:::Total Number of Leader Partitions on This Node (N)It is the total number of leader partitions on this node.
:::Total Number of Unreplicated Partitions (N)It is the number of partitions waiting for replication, the normal value is 0
:::ISR Shrink Rate (Per/s)The shrinking rate of ISR.<\br> If a broker goes down, some partition’s ISR will shrink.<\br> When the broker is back online, ISR will expand once its replica is fully caught up.<\br> Besides, under normal circumstances, this value and the following expansion rate are both 0.
:::ISR Expansion Rate (Per/s)The expansion rate of ISR. See the shrinking rate of ISR for details.
:::Number of Management Nodes (N)Whether the current broker is a controller. <\br> Only one broker has this value as 1 in the cluster, others as 0. If all are 0, the cluster has problems.
:::Total Number of Offline Partitions (N)The number of offline partitions.
Node MetricsCPU Utilization (%)The CPU utilization of the node.
:::Disk Read/Write Throughput (Kb/s)The throughput of disk read and write.
:::Disk Read/Write Times (Per/s)The times of disk read and write.
:::Network Interface In/Out Bandwidth (Kb/s)The bandwidth of network interface in/out.
:::Network Interface In/Out Packet Volume (Per/s)The packet volume of network interface in/out.
:::Memory Utilization (%)The memory utilization of the node.
:::Data Disk Utilization (%)The utilization of data disk of node.
:::System Disk Utilization (%)The utilization of system disk of node.
Zookeeper MetricsCurrent Active Connections of zk (N)The number of current active connections of zk.
:::Max Request Delay of zk (ms)The max request delay of zk.
:::Average Request Delay of zk (ms)The average request delay of zk.
:::Min Request Delay of zk (ms)The min request delay of zk.
:::Total Responses Recieved by zk (10k)The total responses recieved by zk.
:::Total Responses Sent by zk (10k)The total responses sent by zk.
:::Pending Connections of zk (N)The number of pending connections of zk.
:::Watcher Number (N)Watch mechanism used for active notifications by Zookeeper when data is changed.<\br> Watch could be attached to each node, so if there are 10k nodes in an application,<\br> there might be 10k watches (or even more) in Zookeeper.
:::Number of Znodes (N)Znode is the node of Zookeeper, similar to the directory or file of a file system.