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3. Monitoring View

Table 1. Basic Information

NameThe custom name when adding DDoS Protection.
Resource IDThe unique ID of DDoS Protection for locating and troubleshooting, please submit resource ID when problems arise.
DDoS Protection RouteThe DDoS Protection data center selected when purchasing.
Business BandwidthBandwidth size of the DDoS Protection data center back to the source station.
DDoS Protection PeakThe purchased protection ability range is displayed.
DDoS Protection StatusThere are three states, ‘Open’, ‘Expired’ and ‘Closed’.

Table 2. Billing Information

Creation TimeThe time of purchasing DDoS Protection.
Expiration TimeThe expiration time of DDoS Protection.
Payment MethodThe billing methods include ‘daily’, ‘monthly’ and ‘annual’, where ‘daily’ needs to be separately applied to the customer manager.
Free IP QuotaThe number of DDoS Protection IP that can be added for free within the package.
Charged IP QuotaThe number of DDoS Protection IP that can be added at cost within the package.
Auto-renewalThe display state of auto-renewal, including ‘Open’ and ‘Closed’, which can be toggled at any time when the DDoS Protection status is ‘Open’.

Table 3. Monitoring Information

Defaults to displaying the cumulative data of ‘All DDoS IPs’, and the monitoring indicators include:

  • Inbound Traffic: Display the trend chart of incoming traffic rate (unit: M/s). Inbound refers to the traffic from ‘all external network’ to ‘DDoS Protection data center’.

  • Real-time Data: Refreshes every 30 seconds, displaying the data for the last 10 minutes.

  • Historical Data: By day, display the inbound traffic situation for a whole day. Support to show up to 30 days of historical traffic information. By month, display the historical traffic information for a whole month.

Table 4. Domain Name Whitelist

Displays all already added domain name whitelists, and domain names on the whitelist will not be intercepted by the data center domain checking system:

  • Successful: Domain names that have been successfully added to the data center domain checking system.

  • Failed: domain names that have not been recorded or where no record information can be found have not been added to the data center checking system.