Introduction to the New Features of Redis5.0 Version
The Redis 5.0 version is a major release that introduces the new data structure called Stream, which functions as a powerful multicast-enabled persistent message queue. This new feature offers a versatile option for message queuing, catering to a wide range of application scenarios and use cases.
Specific new features of Redis5.0 include:
New Stream data type
RDB adds LFU and LRU information storage
New sorted set commands: ZPOPMIN/MAX and blocking variants
Upgrade Active defragmentation to v2
Enhanced implementation of HyperLogLog
Better memory statistics reporting
Many commands that contain subcommands now have a HELP subcommand
Better performance when the client frequently connects and disconnects
Some bug fixes and improvements in other aspects
Upgraded Jemalloc to version 5.1
Added LOLWUT command
No longer use the term “slave” where there is no need to maintain backward compatibility
Optimized the differences in the network layer
Lua improvements
Added Dynamic HZ to balance idle CPU usage and responsiveness
The Redis core code has been refactored and optimized in many aspects.