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UWAF Log Format

UWAF’s access logs and attack logs are both in JSON format. After downloading the attack log, you can specify fields to extract corresponding information for log analysis or to access dedicated logging services.

Access Log Field Description

@timestampRequest time, UTC time
bytes_sentSize of the response content, in bytes
content_typeType of the response content
cookiesThe Cookie field of the request
forwardThe X-Forwared-For field of the request
hostThe Host field of request, i.e., domain name
hostnameUWAF hostname
organization_idProject ID
refererThe Referer field of request
regionUWAF deployment region
remote_addrSource IP
remote_portSource port
request_idUnique ID of the request
request_lengthSize of the request content, in bytes
request_methodRequest method
request_timeResponse time, in seconds
request_uriThe URI of the request
schemeThe protocol of the request
server_addrIP address of the protected domain
server_nameProtected domain
server_portPort of the protected domain
server_protocolVersion of the request HTTP protocol
statusResponse status code
time_localRequest time, local time
top_organization_idCustomer ID
upstream_addrSource server address
upstream_bytes_receivedSize of content received from the source, type: array, unit: bytes
upstream_bytes_sentSize of content transmitted to the source, type: array, unit: bytes
upstream_response_lengthSize of the source’s response content, type: array, unit: bytes
upstream_response_timeSource’s response time, type: array, unit: seconds
upstream_statusThe status code of the source’s response
uriThe URI actually processed by the request
user_agentThe User-Agent field of the request
x_real_ipThe X-Real-IP field of the request

Attack Log Field Description

AccessIdUnique ID of the attack log
ActionMatching action of the rule, not the actual action
AlertsRule information that is triggered, type: key-value pair array
ArgsParameter part of the request’s URI
AttackAttack type
ClientSource IP
ClientIPinfoGeographic information of the source IP, type: object
ClientPortSource port
CountNumber of attacks
DestIpIP address of the protected domain
FalsePositiveWhether it is a false positive
HostThe Host field of the attack request, i.e., domain name
IdUnique ID of the attack log
MethodMethod of the attack request
modeUWAF protection mode
PortPort of the protected domain
ProtocolVersion of the HTTP of the attack request
RefererThe Referer field of the attack request
RegionUWAF deployment region
RequestBodyBody content of the attack request, first 512 bytes
RequestHeadersAll request fields of the attack request, type: key-value pair array
RequestIDUnique ID of the request
RiskRankRisk level
ServerNameProtected domain
TimeStampTime of the attack, in second-level timestamps
TopIdCustomer ID
UAThe User-Agent field of the attack request
UriURI of the attack request