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Operation GuideInstance Management

Instance Management

After creating a new MySQL instance, you can manage the MySQL instance on the console, such as creating slave, configuring upgrades and downgrades, performing database rollbacks, managing backups, implementing read-write separation, resetting passwords, restarting the instance, managing logs, modifying configuration files, changing instance names, altering business groups, updating alarm templates, deleting instances, renewing subscriptions, and monitoring alerts.

Basic MySQL Operations

The basic operations of the MySQL instance console include: starting, restarting, shutting down, resetting passwords, logging in, updating configuration files, renewing, deleting, etc.

Start MySQL Instance

  1. If you want to start a MySQL instance that is shut down, first select the MySQL instance that needs to be started, click the “Start” button on the right side of the list, select “OK” in the popped-up confirmation dialog box, and then you can start the MySQL instance.
  1. If you need to start multiple MySQL instances at the same time, select the corresponding MySQL instances and choose “Start” in the bulk operation items. Select “OK” in the popped-up dialog box, then you can start multiple MySQL instances.

Shut down MySQL Instance

To shut down a single MySQL instance, select the instance that needs to be closed and click the close button in the operation items, confirm the shutdown in the pop-up window.

Be cautious as closing an instance will interrupt the database service. The MySQL shutdown feature provides a forced shutdown method to forcibly shut down the MySQL instance.

MySQL instances support shutting down multiple instances at the same time, please refer to starting a MySQL instance for the shutdown operation steps.

Restart MySQL Instance

MySQL instances support individual restarts and batch restarts of multiple instances, please refer to the starting MySQL instance process for specific operation steps.

Delete MySQL Instance

MySQL instances support individual deletions and batch deletions, please refer to the starting MySQL instance process for specific operation steps.

Single and Batch Operation of MySQL Instances

The console supports two modes of operation: single and batch.

Single operation supports operations on the selected MySQL instance; batch operation supports common operations on multiple MySQL instances.

Configuration Upgradation and Downgradation

When performing configuration upgrades and downgrades, users can select different database models (standard model and SSD model).

For specific billing instructions, please refer to the “Purchase and Billing” document.

Select a MySQL instance and choose the configuration upgrade or downgrade operation from the dropdown list on the right.

After the configuration upgrade and downgrade begins, the MySQL instance status displays as “upgrading”, after the upgrade is over, the status will return to the initial state.

Reset Password

Select the MySQL instance whose password needs to be changed, click the “Reset password” button in the operating items, modify the password and confirm in the popup window.

Upgrade from Normal Version to High Availability Version

The instances currently supported for upgrade are: The instance is running, the instance is the standard version and does not have any slave.

The operation steps are as follows:

Select the normal version instance to be upgraded, and click “Upgrade to High Availability” in the operation items.

In the Upgrade to high availability popup window, select the high availability version, click confirm, complete the payment of the difference, the instance enters “Data Synching”.

When the instance finishes data synchronization and the status is “Ready to switch to high availability”, clicking “Switch to High Availability” in the operation items to confirm the switch.

Confirm the switch in the popup window.

The instance status is “Switching”, and when the status updates to “Running”, the switch is completed and the instance is upgraded to a highly available version.

Operation Log

View Operation Log

Select a MySQL instance and select Operation Log on the details page.