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Operation GuideHardware Isolation Group

Hardware Isolation Group

A hardware isolation group is a logical grouping of cloud hosts, ensuring that each cloud host within the group falls on a different physical machine. Each isolation group can add up to 7 cloud hosts in a single available zone.

Specify Isolation Group when Creating Host

In the process of creating a host, you can choose to join a hardware isolation group.

The condition to join a hardware isolation group: the number of hosts in the isolation group in the current available zone must be <7.

If there is no isolation group currently, you can select “Create Isolation Group”. After creating it in the isolation group page, select to refresh this pop-up.

View Isolation Group

Through the hardware isolation group Tab, you can view all isolation groups.

In the host list, you can also expand the “Hardware Isolation Group” column in the “Custom List”. It supports filtering hosts through the isolation group.