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Developer GuideService WebUI Access Guide

UHadoop Service WebUI Access

1. Service WebUI Information

Service NameDeployed NodeDefault Port
HDFS WebUImaster1, master250070
Yarn WebUImaster1, master223188
Presto/Trino WebUImaster128080
Tez WebUImaster219999
Spark HistoryServermaster218080
Flink HistoryServermaster18082
Airflow WebUImaster18999


  • You need to ensure whether the instance has deployed the corresponding component before access;
  • The displayed ports above are the default ports of the cluster. If you have modified the port information, you need to access according to the actual port;

2. Service WebUI Access Method

You can access the cluster service WebUI through the following methods.

2.1 Access from Windows Cloud Host

You can access the services in the cluster through the Windows cloud host, the specific steps are as follows:

  • Create a Windows cloud host: You can create a Windows cloud host in the same region and VPC as the UHadoop instance, see Choose a uhost host.

  • Install a browser on a Windows cloud host: There may be problems accessing the service WebUI with the IE browser, you can install Chrome or Edge browser as needed.

  • Configure hosts on Windows cloud host: Append the cluster node information in the file c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts of the host, the format is “Cluster node intranet ip hostname”. You can copy it from any node in /etc/hosts.

2.1 Access via Node EIP

The master1 and master2 nodes of the instance support EIP binding. You can access via the EIP binding method. The steps are as follows:

  • Create an EIP:

  • Create or update firewall policy, when configuring the firewall, you need to note:

    • Open ports as needed: It is recommended to only open ports that need to be used to ensure the security of cluster service access;
    • Add source address: The purpose is to filter out requests from irrelevant IP sources on the Internet, making this method of accessing the cluster safer.
  • Bind EIP and firewall to cluster nodes: You can bind EIP and firewall to master nodes in cluster management-> node management.

This configuration method is simple and suitable for testing and other scenarios. Be sure to pay attention to the safety of the cluster’s external network when using it.

For other method needs, please contact the account manager.